Monday, January 31, 2011

January Report Card

Tracking your progress can be interesting. I always feel like I don't accomplish as much as I would like, but the numbers look pretty good from my 2011 Sewing Tracker: I tallied a grand total of 67 items complete, with one work in progress still hanging on Valentine.
• Red Jersey Cardi-wrap Simplicity 2603
• Black leggings McCalls 6173
• Raglan giraffe print turtleneck Simplicity 4878
• Brown Bear track suit for Colt Simplicity 9738
• Black crochet lace cardigan Jalie 2919
• Fire Department coat Nametags X 44
• Shorten Fire Department Emergency vest bags X 2
• Anthropology Dalsland knockoff (1/12/11 WIP)
• Fire Department HoseBed Tarp Project
• Fire Department Strap modification X 12
• Michelle’s Bench Cushion Repair
• Black Mohair cardigan Jalie 2919 X 2
Looks like I really took this JAM (jacket a month) thing seriously. With 4 technically done this month, I should be good til May, don't you think? The Anthropology Dalsland knockoff needs some work to get it to fit the way I want. I have a direction, but that project has taken a backseat to more pressing jobs. My favorite project of the month hands down was the Jalie Cardigan 2919. Jalie never disappoints and I find myself using their patterns over and over (obviously). I definitely will be using this pattern again as I have another sweater in mind and this pattern will be the perfect starting point for this design. I'm disappointed that I did not finish my Pendrell Sew-along blouse. It is cut out, so I guess I could count it in the WIP category, but I didn' will be done next month (maybe tomorrow if the Sewing Gods shine down on me) I have a digitizing job to do and then I will be caught up for 2 seconds on business sewing.  Heading on into February (and towards Spring!)


Julia said...

My gosh, do you ever rest?

Summerset said...

Not bad at all! That's a lot of work!

gMarie said...

Wow! I need your go juice! g

Becky Andrews said...

Wow. That is quite a list. A+ on the report card, I think!

Project Dress a Girl

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