Sunday, March 27, 2011
Early Sunday Morning
It's early Sunday morning and I have no pictures for MMM. Not even dressed yet, save my old ratty bathrobe (okay, it's not ratty, but not a photo op I want to feature on my blog) I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I came down and got on the computer. I was rewarded with a video of the cutest baby in the world, and in the bonus round got to skype with his beautiful Mother! Insomnia has it's perks! Thought I would answer Katie's recent question about fabric used on the Vogue tunic. I have made 3 versions of this pattern and have been successful with all the fabrics I have used. The first was a grey wool jersey that I picked up at the thrift store. It has substantial body as I prewashed the fabric before cutting it out. The turquoise version is a poly cotton blend knit that is also pretty sturdy (not as much as the wool jersey). The third incarnation was done in a thinner matte jersey that I bought from when I was speaking to them, but it still is not a super thin fabric. I believe the cowl needs a little body to stand on it's own. This last one I eliminated the split in the front and just made it one solid piece. I love the raglan sleeve on this top and you will probably see more in the years to come. Maybe next time I will raise the neckline and eliminate the cowl, who knows? That's the great thing about being your own designer! To K.C.-no harm was meant by the turd comment made by Tom-that's just how we roll-we have been kidding each other for over 30 years now, so I don't see it stopping anytime soon! He really is a caring supportive husband and if he stopped saying outlandish things to me I would wonder if he was sick, (or dead!) I finished the lacy scarf last night while we watched "From Paris with Love". Interesting little action movie. I love a good John Travolta flick, and this did not disappoint, but I wouldn't recommend if foul language and violence offends you. Guess I will have to watch Eat, Pray, Love all by myself! :) It's time to go check the angel food cake. I am busy baking and putting things together as my sweetie is whisking me and the dog away for a romantic getaway at the coast on our days off. Okay, we are going camping in the 5th wheel to take advantage of the good clam digging tides. I ask you, does it get any more romantic than that?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What can Brown Do for You Today?
Haven't sewn a lick for 2 days...working, knitting, catching up on Army Wives...I'm now up to the current season. Thank goodness for Hulu since I work on Sunday nights. Also I checked the new offerings on Netflix and see that Eat, Pray, Love has been added. I loved the book and I enjoy a good Julia Roberts movie, so that's number one on the queue. Wonder if Tom will watch that with me...maybe to make up for that turd comment??? As for knitting, any suggestions on the best websites for yarn, patterns, etc??? I am on Ravelry, but just wondering what other great resources are out there and knitting blogs to add to my blog roll?
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Return of MMM Photos
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bad Blogger
Sorry...didn't mean to be away so long. I have been busy and a little preoccupied. I try not to blog when I'm in a fog...ah shit, now I'm rhyming. That was totally unintentional, but I kind of like it (insert silly chuckle here). Now that I've made myself laugh for the day, let's chronicle the cool things in my life! This past weekend I was honored to meet the lovely G Marie and her husband JB After a little directional snafu we connected over breakfast (I totally take responsibility for my um, navigational challenges...) The boys headed off to bond over guns and roadsters. Although we both had cameras in our purses, neither one of us took any pictures...whoops! Gaylen had visited a few yarn shops the night before. As many of you know, she is an incredible knitter, and it was inspiring to watch her with the sticks. It inspired me to improve my knitting skills, because sock knitting can be such a portable project and if I start now maybe I can make enough socks for Christmas gifts. How special would that be? I bought a paw print sock pattern off Ravelry about a year or so ago that benefited another Guide Dog School with the intention of making socks for my work friends. Time to revisit that me thinks...anyway, I digress. We made a day of fabric shopping, starting with The Mill End store. All I bought there were buttons for the tops I am making for the dorm staff at work. I didn't find any other fabric for that project yet, but I did make up one, that is destined to be Lily's. I need to purchase another pattern. That's what I get for not measuring the girls bad! Next up was the Pendleton store. This actually was my first trip there, and although they were having an incredible sale, I exercised restraint. Gaylen picked up some gorgeous wools for sheath dresses, but knowing I have lots of fabric in the closet that has been waiting to be made up, I passed. I did notice they carry Burda magazines there as well, so if I get the urge to pick it up again (I am letting my subscription go this year) I can get it there. Next up was Fabric Depot. Even though it was a sale day it wasn't too bad. I actually did buy some brown Ponte de Roma to make another pair of leggings, and then promptly forgot about it. When we were sharing our adventures with the boys later, I was like "No, I didn't buy any fabric..." Doh! We also both got the Monique Dress pattern from Sew Serendipity. I wandered round and round Fabric Depot searching for the perfect big-ass flower print for this dress. There is something fun about picking out a pattern and then finding the perfect fabric you invision in your mind. Well, that didn't happen, but I figured there was something in my stash that would fit the bill. I have several options and I am hoping this will become a TNT summer dress pattern...more on that later. I also purchased staples like interfacing and tracing paper. I like the thicker tracing paper for patterns that I intend to use more than once. I stayed well under my allotted budget for the day, so that was a good thing. Still waiting for the verdict from the tax accountant, so mindful spending is the order of the day. That's about it for the recent high points in my life. Today is a day off and I think I may spend it, what else? Sewing! Hope you are having a nice day wherever you are!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Boo for really let me down this time. I ordered 10 yards of fabric to make uniform tops for the dorm staff at work. What did I get? 7 yards and some change! No sorry we ran out...clearly a mistake in filling the order. The fabric came on a roll marked 7 yards. I put a tape to it and realized I had been shorted. I wasn't too worried because in the past when there has been a problem with an order's customer service has been stellar. Not so with this experience. After a bunch of back and forth they finally agreed to issue a credit and I could keep the fabric, but I had to get bitchy about it and I don't like doing that. And that still leaves me needing 10 yards of a good utilitarian fabric for the girls. Maybe I can find something on Saturday when I'm shopping with Gaylen. I'm sorry I've been missing in action lately. I have been wearing Me Made items, but just haven't taken pictures. The wheels on the bus have been falling off lately and I've been treading water...things will get better soon...I have faith! Maybe I'll go check Trendy Fabrics...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
MMM: Day 10
Hi Y'all! I don't have a picture for you because I threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater for my trip to the beach, and after a wonderful afternoon hanging with old friends, I'm too tired to whip out the camera! Besides, my MMM item is my pajamas, and trust me, you don't want to see that!!! Hopefully I will have time in the morning to snap a few shots before we go to the workshop (of my outfit of the day...not my PJs!!!) The room I'm staying in is very elegant and comfortable...way away from the bustle of the casino...I'm a happy girl!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
MMM Day 9
Busy day today. I said goodbye and good luck to my opthalmologist today at my check up. My visual acuity has changed a little requiring a new prescription, but the great news is that my astigmatism is gone! When the tech was checking my acuity and pressure, she mentioned that the astigmatism was gone, but I thought I misunderstood her because she speaks with a bit of an accent. When Dr. Plumb came in he rechecked it and confirmed that it was gone! Usually astigmatism will worsen with age, but then I never do anything the usual way! Back to MMM...this is a plaid button down shirt made with a green stretch cotton. Tomorrow I am heading to the coast for a seminar. I hope I make it down there before the storm they're predicting blows in. I have a lunch date with a long time girlfriend (I used to live down at the beach!) and then a meet up later with another buddy who used to babysit Sara. Hopefully I will also get to see one of Sara's good friends from school (my friend is her MIL) Time to get off the computer and get to bed...more tomorrow from the beach!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
MMM: Day 8
Monday, March 7, 2011
MMM: Day 7
What I wore on my day off running errands, thrifting, making angels and baking. Not necessarily in that order. The me made item is a Burda knit twist top I made a year or so ago. I tend to gravitate towards knits because they are so easy care. I have been furiously making angels for a fundraising auction I am participating in for Airman Nicholas Alden's family. Airman Alden was killed last week in Germany and he and his family are stationed at Lakenheath, UK., where Bryce, Sara and Colt are. This tragedy really struck close to home and I wanted to help. An auction site has been set up on Facebook and I have pledged to make a lace angel ornament for all who donate $20.00 to the fund. There are many other great items to bid on and anyone can donate something to auction off. It's a great way to use our craftiness for a higher power. I will write a post with more details soon. I have the bread in tho oven and it's about time to go start another angel. Tomorrow is a double shift and later in the week I get to go to the south coast for a seminar. Looking forward to seeing some of my old friends. Later...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
MMM: Day 6
Today was a casual work day, so I wore a Jalie turtleneck with a pair of jeans and grey cardigan, accessorized by the lacy knit blue ombre infinity scarf I made a couple months ago. I took the pictures early this morning, but was too busy to post until after I got home from work. Now for a cup of SleepyTime tea and some pleasure reading time with "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" by Ree Drummond. You know you want to read it...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
MMM: Day 5
Or What I Wore while teaching CPR, dodging people in Ikea and getting crappy service at Red Robin.
The giraffe top plus my black lace Jalie cardigan. Now a pic with my favorite pom:
And a pic with the Chief to keep her from attacking the camera on the tripod!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Me Made March: Day 4
Just a quick little post this witty banter as I am heading to work for a double shift. Having to take pictures of yourself every day sure gets you over your perfection complex! Snap 5 or 6 shots and there better be a good one in the bunch because who has time to spare! The me made item is my first Ottobre pattern...a basic 3/4 sleeve T in a white tissue knit. I didn't think I would wear it much as the fabric is so thin, but it is great to layer under a jacket. Gotta run...time to make the donuts!!! Later...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Me Made March: Day 3
Or what I wore on the day when nothing went as planned. My Opthalmologist appointment? Evidently the gal making the appointment thought today was Friday, because that's the day it was made for. Considering I work a double shift on Friday, I'm fairly certain if Friday was mentioned I would have said that didn't work for me. So now the appointment is next Wednesday because I didn't feel like driving clear into Portland to see Dr. Plumb this afternoon. No biggy! Stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my refill that was supposed to be called in yesterday? Nope! Didn't get called in, so I struck out there as well. I did get dog food, squirrel food, bird seed and stopped at Starbucks for a salted caramel hot chocolate. I'm good! Anyway, my hunny came home sick from work, so I will spend the afternoon tending to him, but this is what I wore out on my morning of errands that didn't pan out the way I thought they would. The Me Made item is the crochet circle vest that I made while sitting in a clinic waiting on my hunny a few months ago.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Me Made March: Day 2
Nothing too exciting today. It's a Burda day today. The turtleneck from this Fall and a button down shirt from a few years ago...the exact vintage escapes me. Just a trip downtown to the Library, Post Office and market and now just messing around the house. I made peanut butter cookies yesterday using a Debbie Field's recipe. I was hoping for those big, fluffy melt in your mouth type PB cookies, but instead these turned out rather flat and thin. Enter light bulb moment! I took 2 cookies and a scoop of Mudslide ice cream and made the best ice cream sandwiches in the world! Tom even asked if he could take some to the station to have for snacks, that's how good they were! Awfully rich though...I don't think I can eat those every day and fit into my already larger than life wardrobe!!! I have started getting busy with the exercise though. Treadmill yesterday and today I mixed it up with a dance exercise video off NetFlix. It was really fun and the time flew by quickly. No one was home but me and the animals, which is probably a good thing, although Tom might find it all pretty amusing! I have been a good girl and scheduled my eye appointment (my Opthalmologist is retiring at the end of the month...I am so bummed) I told that man he had to do my other cataract before he went out...hope he has a good replacement! Also called my cardiologist's office for a refill. Who knew getting old could keep you so busy? Well, speaking of busy, time to get off the computer and get some things done around here. See you tomorrow...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Me Made March Day 1
Me Made March Day 1 was a rather slapdash outfit. We were hit with a freak (ing!) snow storm yesterday and odds were that I would end up spending the night at work. I hastily packed my overnight bag before braving the storm to get to work. I had to. My boss had told me earlier in the day "You better get your ass here at 1:00!" Full disclosure...she was only kidding! So I braved the winter blast and headed in to work early. I took the more traveled route on the advice of my Fireman hubby, only to be turned around halfway up highway 211 as there were all kinds of vehicles in the ditch (I think I could have made it!) Anywho, I turned around and called my boss to give her the good news. She was much more understanding, but the conditions were so weird...nothing in some areas and then packed snow a mile down the road...that I said D@!# it! I am going to make it in to work today. So armed with some updated information from my hunny and the deputy who was in the firehouse, I set out again. I ended up taking my usual route that is up a big hill and it was fine. So my boss was happy to see me and I ended up spending the night so the oncoming nurse wouldn't have to make a treacherous drive in should the conditions continue to deteriorate. Luckily they did not and I was relieved at 8:00 am to go home! So this is what I wore for day one of Me Made March:
The Me Made item is one of my favorite Jalie cardigans. I have made this pattern a few times and have plans to make more (maybe today) I have a wonderful white knit from that will make a nice spring weight cardigan (when Spring ever gets here) I have the rest of the day off and plan to cook, clean, sew and basically do whatever I want! Full disclosure: I am wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt now for comfort, but nobody wants to see that!
The Me Made item is one of my favorite Jalie cardigans. I have made this pattern a few times and have plans to make more (maybe today) I have a wonderful white knit from that will make a nice spring weight cardigan (when Spring ever gets here) I have the rest of the day off and plan to cook, clean, sew and basically do whatever I want! Full disclosure: I am wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt now for comfort, but nobody wants to see that!
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...