Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The sun is shining today...
And I am in a much better frame of mind! I managed to sneak in about a half hour of sewing before going to work and it did a body good! I managed to attach the skirt front and back to the bodice of the Chetta B part deux and I also cranked out the side seams as well. I think that was pretty good considering I had to change the Evolve from cover stitch to serging and change the thread. I love that air jet threading. Honestly, I never minded threading my serger because I learned to do it on a commercial machine and if you wasted time changing thread at Jantzen, you were losing money! It's just fun to push the button and Whoosh!!! there goes the thread! I accomplished a lot this morning. I went to the bank and transferred the money to the title company for our retirement property. That should be a done deal by weeks' end. I swept and mopped the kitchen floor and shampooed the carpets. I picked up some catnip spray for my Grandkitty Lola's stocking gift (it's okay, she doesn't read Grandma's blog) It was out in the sidewalk sale stuff for 99 cents. I was totally blown away when it first rang the actual price $9.99. Who pays ten bucks for catnip spray? Okay, who buys presents for their child's cat? You got a point! I must congratulate myself for just saying no to the patterns though. I had 3 or 4 in my hand for $1.00 a piece and I resisted! I am a big fan of Pattern Rescue though. If you have not been there, check it out!!! Anyway, looking forward to a day with my little man. Better rest up because he goes like the energizer bunny!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Music Monday...Not
I'm sad tonight. I should have been singing along to Sweet Caroline, but Neil, my man let me down. The concert was postponed, to be rescheduled at some future unknown date. That just doesn't work for me. I had to ask for the night off from work for this date. What makes me think that the stars could align once again for this magic moment to occur? Especially with hunting season a breath away. Sorry, I'm just a little down in the dumps over life's stressors. This too shall pass and maybe some time in the sewing room would help brighten my mood. Not much chance until next week as plans are underway for big dog Daddy's 5-0 party! My friend Celeste has a plan for a special cake we can make that will light the night sky! Also my favorite baby is coming over a couple times this week to cheer Auntie Mary up, so I should be bright as a penny in no time!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Love...
In my quest for early Christmas preparation, I decided to try my hand at jewelry making. I had purchased some tools and some supplies about a month ago, but did not have everything I needed to make some bracelets. Yesterday was a major shopping day. I went to the opening of a new BiMart to pick up some of their loss leaders and get some freebies (always good for the advent stockings) and went to GI Joe's (okay, they changed the name to "Joe's Sporting Goods", but it will always be GE Joe's to me) to pick up some diesel oil for my hunny because it was an exceptional price. GI Joe's is in the same shopping center as JoAnn's (which I am happy to report I did not buy fabric) and Craft Warehouse. I went in to Craft Warehouse to see what kind of deals they had on jewelry making supplies, as they have a pretty big jewelry section. I'm glad I did because I found all kinds of Blue Moon brand bracelet clasps at a fraction of their original cost, plus they had sales on many gems and beads. I picked up four 32" strands of beads to work with what I already had and made a necklace and bracelet set yesterday afternoon of hematite and silver beads. It was so easy and I really am pleased with the look. The first one was a trial for me, but I think it is gift worthy. Last night I tore apart this funky candle holder thing that someone gave me that has some beautiful blue beads (lots of them) that will make beautiful jewelry. I knew I would never put a candle in this thing anyway and recycling is good, isn't it? The clasp I used for the necklace is a strong magnet, and I highly recommend that type of closure. It is so easy to put on and who hasn't stuggled with those little ring clasps or even some of the lobster claws? I definitely will pick up some more of those when they are on sale. Last night my husband had an "a-ha moment" when I was working with my beads. He said "I get it...you are on a fabric embargo, but now you are going to buy beads? I bet you've already been looking online, haven't you?" Guilty as charged. A company called Fire Gems regularly drops sale emails in my box, but I haven't bought anything from them. I have enough beads to keep me busy for awhile. Haven't finished the Chetta B yet, but probably today if I make it to the room Tom is home today so I'm not sure what the day holds. In music news, Neil Diamond cancelled his concert next Monday, so I guess I won't get to see the legend. We are not sure when it will be rescheduled, but I don't want to go without Tom and we are now entering the hunting season which means he won't be around much. Also I was dismayed to log in and see that Blogger lost all the blogs I had entered into my reader. It was so easy to check in with all my peeps that way...I could easily see when someone had posted something new...guess I'll have to re-enter all that information...ugh technology!!!! On a happy note, it looks like my Patrones should be in my mail box today (a positive comment on technolgy...USPS tracker). Can't wait to go check the mail. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday. M
Monday, September 15, 2008
Christmas is coming!!!
Somebody slap me! I am actually working on Christmas and hold out hope this year...finally...I might be prepared before the season is upon us. I am wrapping presents for the kids' advent stockings (see this post for last year's shenanigans). I have a good start on the stocking gifts. Sara is always easier than the boy, but we have a plan for the boy that will make it easier for me to come up with good gifts for him. I sometimes feel he gets the shaft as I have much more experience gifting the princess than the prince! I also have a plan for the friends and work acquaintance gifts. You know the ones where people give you a gift and you feel obligated to reciprocate. Last year I was kind of a scrooge and not really in the Christmas spirit...watch...nobody will give me anything this year!!! Sewing machine has been humming right along. I am almost finished with the second Chetta B dress. This one is the long sleeved verson in a red knit trimmed in black. I am not fond of the whole bias binding trip. I must have ripped out the sash three times and finally cut it off and did it my way. It may not be the best way, but it definitely looks better than doing it their way. I keep hearing Tim Gunn say "Make it work"...I hate wadders. I have another Jalie sweetheart cut out and ready to go. I'm sure it will be completed during my days off. I am sew ready for my weekend to begin!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I was bored yesterday and took a trip over to Pattern Review to see what everyone has been sewing. My boredom was fortuitous in that I was one of the first to see a classified ad selling some Patrones, Sabrina and various Burdas. I adore BWOF and have many in my stash. I have been lusting over the fashions I have seen coming from people with Patrones, but had not been able to get my hands on a copy yet. Until today...I was the first to speak up for 2 issues, paid my money and now am on mail watch til they arrive. I love waiting for goodies in the mail!!! Makes going to the Post Office worthwhile!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
One Day at a Time...
Wow...I almost fell off the wagon Thursday. I get email sales all the time from the fabric sites and Fabric.com is one of my favorites. They always have these ridiculous sales that I find hard to resist. Since I went on the fabric embargo, I have pretty much been ignoring the messages, but Thursday I thought I would just look...JUST LOOK!!! Hmmm...told myself I would not buy anything unless it was under $2.00/yard. I figured that would keep me safe. Nope...the 6o% off inventory reduction included some solid Matte Jersey for the stupid price of $1.59/yard. Can you believe that? I put some things in my basket and continued to "just look". Eventually I reasoned with myself I was really flush with fabric and did not really need to enhance the stash, so I did the strong thing and emptied the basket. My Hunny said I should have just went ahead and bought it...Enabler!!! Now I don't mean to equate my struggles with people in recovery. I know we all like to joke about our "addiction" and need for support, but I mean no disservice to those who work to remain clean and sober. I have loved ones who I am proud of their commitment to stay clean and sober, so my vow to stop buying fabric for awhile is not on the same playing field. I guess it could get out of hand, but I am a pretty thrifty gal so I don't see my fabric habit preventing me from paying the bills or putting food on the table. It doesn't hurt to not be totally self indulgant. I have lots of fabric to wrap myself up in. The stash question is...how much is too much?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Chetta B Baby!!!
It is beautifully clean and even has the original sheet to go over the mattress. I was suspect when I saw the price, but figured it is a good charity and I could always bring it back for them to resell it if it didn't work for me. It came with a nice carrying case, so now Grandma is ready!!! No pressure, Kiddo! My friend Charmaine just emailed me that she is going to be a Grandma for the first time. I'm excited for Charmaine. I know my day will come. I received a cute forward the other day about first graders describing what grand parents are. One child wrote "Grandparents are really old people who like kids". I guess that qualifies me!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Music Monday...Name that Tune...A Contest
Saturday, September 6, 2008
All caught up...
Checking in with all my peeps, that is. I have all the up to date posting from all the blogs I like to follow, so I guess I have nothing better to do than post to my blog. I get so thrilled hearing about someone's new project or better yet, seeing a picture of it, or learning a new trick or technique someone has perfected. I love blog contests...always fun to throw your name in the hat for a freebie and I even enjoy holding a giveaway myself once in awhile! A lot of exciting things going on in Deeterville! We made an offer on 2 acres in Central Oregon to build our retirement home on and it has been accepted pending a minor counter. Nothing that the seller is requesting is objectional to us, so we signed the paperwork and are getting the ball rolling. I am still trying to keep my excitement under wraps until the deal is sealed, but it is hard not to jump up and down with joy!!! (Okay, I did allow myself a happy dance last night, but reserving the big one for when the deed arrives.) We actually are taking advantage of the current buyers market and still have some cash left to build the shop, which will be the first order of business once we clear some brush. We have some information coming regarding log home construction, which is what we would like to do. We are very frugal people, so I know we will be able to do this, but even so, I plan to put myself on a fabric buying embargo for a while to save more money. I hope that committing it to the blogosphere, it will stregthen my resolve. It's not like I don't have a sizable stash to shop (which just had a shot in the arm yesterday with a drop from Fabric.com) I am always amazed at the bargains I get from there...most of the time the fabrics are just what I was looking for, and what they actually pay in shipping is almost more than I pay for the entire order. I know they are not making the big bucks off of me! I got 2 different colorways of the argyle stuff they had in the $1.95 a yard category. I was concerned because it was a double knit, but I actually really like the fabric and it will make great jumpers, skirts or jackets once I decide what their destiny is. I got 2 pieces of gorgeous stretch twill prints that are slated to become skirts. They are brightly colored floral with a black background which will be the perfect compliment to the black yardage I picked up at Hancocks that will become a black blouse. The back table is almost cleared out, so a cutting session is in order...whee!!! I have a very small embroidery job to do, and then I can focus on ME!!! Also I picked up some other knits that will be perfect for Fall and Winter wear...hopefully I will have some things to show you real soon.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Music Monday...Photographs and Memories

Happy Labor Day!!! Today's post is a tribute to a great singer/songwriter who died too young. I tend to listen to many different types of music, but some are just classic and I will love them for all my days. Jim Croce is one of those artists that I never tire of listening to. He has been playing in my studio for the last couple of days and it takes me back to my youth. Jim Croce's music is also a compliment to my man, Neil Diamond, who has also been rocking the studio. Whether it is a fun story song like Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown or a haunting ballad such as Time in a Bottle, you can feel the song. Jim Croce didn't need big amps and gimmicks...a simple acoustic guitar accompaniment was all that was required. Here's to you Jim...thanks for the photographs and memories.
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...