Disclaimer: The following post contains a discussion about poo. If talk of poo offends you, please skip this post.
I had a few days off from work this week. I was sick one day and then my normal days off. I really love my job and the people I work with. I have met some truly inspirational people in my work; people who have taught me that visual impairment doesn't have to be a disability, it's just the way it is and they don't let it stop them from doing what they want to do. When you work around a group of visually impaired people, inevitably there are sometimes collisions. We take precautions with padding around poles that could be ran into; guidelines about always traveling on the right side of the hallway so that you don't have a head-on with oncoming traffic (I sometimes give gentle reminders to people who forget and wander down the middle of the hall...Pick a side already!!!) Some of you also know I had a sled dog kennel back in the day, so I am no stranger to dog poo. I was totally unprepared for what happened yesterday. One of our first duties of the day is to go out to the relieving circle with the students when they take their dogs out to do their business. It's a nice way to check in, see how everyone is doing and find out if anybody needs any nursing assistance. At the end of a long bench outside the door is the Poop Bucket. In the beginning the instructors scoop the poop as the student and their dog are becoming a team, but at this point in class, it's DIY clean up. So there I am, minding my own business chatting up the resident advisor, when a student starts heading in. I feel someone reach out and touch my shoulder and SMACK! Bag of poo upside the head!!! Now before you start gagging, it was neatly tied up and no actual poo got on me, but imagine my surprise!!! Nothing says "welcome back, we missed you" like a bag o' poo!!! I just had to give the student a hard time (it actually was pretty funny) and since he shared a link to his blog with me, I told him "I am so blogging about this!" So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
In sewing news, I cut out 2 dresses and one skirt Thursday night...all BWOF projects. The Tippi Heddron dress (as dubbed by Trena), BWOF 5/2008 #104 (sorry no pics...my BWOF website doesn't seem to give me pictures any more???) and a high waisted skirt I can't remember the magazine or number, but will come forth with the info when I finish and review the pattern. 104 is almost done. It was pretty simple to put together. I had to alter the band across the front as it was way to big and did not hug my curves like I wanted it to. I think the fabric stretched a little with finishing, but not the 3 1/2 to 4 inches I lopped off! I think it is going to be a fun little dress to wear and I plan to make a coordinating jacket so it will be a work friendly outfit (no sleeveless allowed!) No sewing was done yesterday after work because Tom had an appointment with the eye surgeon re: Lasik surgery. Good news, he is a candidate and we have him scheduled. We opted for the PRK procedure which is done on the surface of the cornea rather than the option of having a flap of the cornea sliced open. The down side is a little bit longer recovery, but the result will be the same and it is safer for people who are in professions or do activities where the eye could be hit. Working as a fireman or one good scope bite when hunting could be really bad. So that's the exciting goings on at Casa de Deeter. The eye clinic is right next door to a JoAnn's (how convenient) so I had to do a quick pass after our appointment. I did really well...I only spent $4.00 for 4 yards (yes I said 4) of this bright cheery flowery/butterfly print in purples and pinks. It is a nice medium weight cotton and was marked $1.00 yard. I thought it was a mistake, but the gal at the cutting counter confirmed that it was the correct price. I asked for a couple yards as I thought I might make a nice spring bag with it, but the gal lopped off 4 yards and at the price I thought...that's fine...I'm sure I will use it. The print has a retro feel to it, so I may even make a dress out of it. (Tom says "Oh yeah...you can pull that off"...I think he's being sarcastic!!!) The gal at the checkout counter thought it was pretty cool too and I think she probably took a chunk of it home too. I have to laugh when I buy fabric and they ask "So what are you making?" and I don't know. Question...do you always have a purpose in mind when you buy fabric, or do you just buy what appeals to you? Maybe I will put this up in poll form. I am trying to be more techno-savvy this year. Well that's about it for this installment...hope you all enjoy your super bowl weekend whatever your plans may be.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tea Cozy
These cold winter afternoons have me sipping tea by the potful. I had been throwing a towel over the teapot to keep my tea warm, but last night I crocheted a cozy to keep my tea nice and warm. I think I will go brew a pot now to take up to the studio. I have Sabrina (the Audrey Hepburn version) in the VCR and things to sew!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We temporarily interupt all creations...
For a sick day! Yesterday I woke up with a monster headache. Add to that nausea and vomiting, and you have a sick day. I really like my job and hate to call in sick, but as a nurse it is not too healthy to be throwing up at work, so in the interest of my students (and myself), I stayed home. Besides not being able to work, I was not able to sew or sit up at the computer to read blogs...bad day. But the good news is that today the nausea is gone...I just feel a little tired...and a package came from Pattern Rescue with some special patterns, so things are looking up! To the bat cave to sew I go! Hope you all are having a good day!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blessed X 2
I feel so blessed to have been nominated for the Kreativ Blogger award again. Julia nominated me again. It's great to connect with other creative souls. Ain't blogging great??? 
And now I have a review of my most recent project Simplicity 2936. I'll have to wait until the weather warms up a bit to wear this blouse, but I really am pleased how it turned out. I used a narrow rolled hem to finish the ruffles. It gives a nice look...I will probably do that again sometime
Pattern Description: 6 made easy pattern-simple raglan sleeve blouse with collar and sleeve variations. Some of the versions have pintuck darts in the front and back for gentle shaping. The other two styles do not have darts for a looser fit.
Pattern Sizing:Sizes 8 through 16-I made a size 14 that was pretty true without alteration.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, very much so.
Were the instructions easy to follow?Yes. I made view F that has a ruffle around the collar and sleeves. I'm glad I looked at the instructions because the ruffle is actually part of the raglan sleeve seam. If I had just put it together without looking at the instructions I probably would have assumed the ruffle was added after the sleeve seams were sewn and then the pieces would not have matched.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?I liked that it went together quick and easy. No problems with this pattern
Fabric Used:I made this out of a polyester that I picked up at the Mill End store. The print caught my eye and I though it would make a nice Spring/Summer blouse.
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:I made this blouse straight from the envelope without alteration
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?I definitely will be making some more of these blouses; probably trying some of the different sleeve and collar variations.
Conclusion: This is a good basic top that sews quick. Great for when you feel the urge to stitch something up quick to wear tomorrow!

And now I have a review of my most recent project Simplicity 2936. I'll have to wait until the weather warms up a bit to wear this blouse, but I really am pleased how it turned out. I used a narrow rolled hem to finish the ruffles. It gives a nice look...I will probably do that again sometime
Pattern Description: 6 made easy pattern-simple raglan sleeve blouse with collar and sleeve variations. Some of the versions have pintuck darts in the front and back for gentle shaping. The other two styles do not have darts for a looser fit.
Pattern Sizing:Sizes 8 through 16-I made a size 14 that was pretty true without alteration.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, very much so.
Were the instructions easy to follow?Yes. I made view F that has a ruffle around the collar and sleeves. I'm glad I looked at the instructions because the ruffle is actually part of the raglan sleeve seam. If I had just put it together without looking at the instructions I probably would have assumed the ruffle was added after the sleeve seams were sewn and then the pieces would not have matched.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?I liked that it went together quick and easy. No problems with this pattern
Fabric Used:I made this out of a polyester that I picked up at the Mill End store. The print caught my eye and I though it would make a nice Spring/Summer blouse.
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:I made this blouse straight from the envelope without alteration
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?I definitely will be making some more of these blouses; probably trying some of the different sleeve and collar variations.
Conclusion: This is a good basic top that sews quick. Great for when you feel the urge to stitch something up quick to wear tomorrow!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'd like to thank the academy...

Kat at Phat Chick Designs Kat always inspires me with her creative designs and great fashion photo shoots. A true sewl sister!
Sharon from Adventures in Sewing Sharon's style is alot like what I consider mine to be and she sews great clothing
Claire of Little Miss Sew and Sew Always keeping it real, Claire inspires me in more things than just sewing.
Summerset from Pins and Needles What can I say about Summerset other than she is truly a talented thread artist!
Karen at Sewing by the Seat of my Pants Karen has great style and sews the garments I want to before I get around to it. And she does great things with leather.
Kristy at Lower Your Presser Foot because she is a new Mom and still manages to sew amidst a home remodel. That deserves a reward!
Tootsie Farklepants at Vintage Thirty because quite frankly she makes me laugh and we all need a good laugh now and again. So there you have it, my peeps. There alot more blogs I could bestow this award on, but it's making the rounds and know that you all bring great things to the table. Thank you for feeding my creative needs. Mary
Dreaming of the next Project...
I am almost finished with Simplicity 2936 view F, a flirty little Spring blouse that I probably won't be wearing until this SNOW goes away! It is made from a sweet silky poly small floral print in a muted mustard yellow palette that I bought from the Bargain annex at the Mill End store in Portland. I imagine we will visit there on the Portland PR weekend or the Beaverton store. I have not shopped at the Beaverton store, but I'm sure it's just as fabulous. I shopped at the Mill End when I had to take Jo to the doggy dentist for surgery. It's a great resource...one I don't visit nearly enough...LOL!!! Many people have been sewing up this gem (BWOF 2/2008 103B)and it has been marinating on the back burner for me ever since it came out.
After seeing all the great versions of it being displayed, I think it will be a nice addition to my wardrobe and something I can wear right away. I have a nice funky print in browns that I bought about a year ago just because I liked it. I hope to get the pattern traced out today and work on it this week on my days off. My husband went to a great class yesterday on remaining calm in stressful situations and he shared his enthusiasm when he got home last night. The trainer spoke about the value of "timeless activities" that help nurture us. Timeless, in terms of that we enjoy them so much that we lose track of time when we do them. He pointed out that my sewing is one of my timeless activities that help ground me. What activities are timeless in your life and do you take the time to enjoy the things that feed your soul?

Friday, January 23, 2009
Blog Beautification
Melissa at Susie Homemaker gave her blog a facelift and inspired me to do the same. What do you think? I'm going to head up to the studio and do some actual sewing...I've messed around on the computer long enough!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm Just Sayin'...

I'm a getting me a little Tim McGraw this summer!!! Move over Trace...there's another cowboy comin' to town!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
3:00 p.m. TBA
5:00 p.m. TBA
7:00 p.m. Joey + Rory
9:15 p.m. Tim McGraw
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Noon TBA
2:00 p.m. Heidi Newfield
4:15 p.m. TBA
6:30 p.m. TBA
8:45 p.m. LeAnn Rimes
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Noon Kristy Lee Cook
2:00 p.m. Jake Owen
4:15 p.m. TBA
6:30 p.m. Montgomery Gentry
Oregon Jamboree: P.O. Box 430 Sweet Home, OR 97386
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Blogversary to Quaint and Quirky!
I found this great new blog Quaint & Quirky and she is celebrating her 1 year blogversary with a giveaway. Go check her out and leave a comment with one of your accomplishments!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My Holiday Weekend
Since I always work weekends, not much special going on for my holiday weekend except for making time and a half tomorrow. That's pretty special. I haven't sewn a stitch yet this weekend either. That's kind of a drag, but I haven't felt 100%...I think I caught one of the student's cold and I have been working on a jewelry project for my sister-in-laws birthday this week. I bought some wonderful stones at the Mystic Pony, but I didn't have the right findings or adhesive to make a pendant and my attempts at wire wrapping were pathetic at best. So those stones will have to wait and I will make a necklace, bracelet and earrings (maybe) with some red tigers eye chips and gold beads. I am just getting into jewelry making so I have alot to learn, but as in any new hobby it's a process and the more you do, the better you get! Tom picked up the 5th wheel today and it is sitting in our driveway. It will need a thorough cleaning and there are little things we need to do to make it how we want it. Tom plans to raie the stove up to the counter level and make a nice knife block behind the stovetop. The carpet in the living area will be replace with laminate which we already have and I plan to re-do the wall paper in the bedroom. I have a BOLO list (be on the look out) of things I need for the trailer which I will buy as things come on sale or I find at garage sales or thrift stores. I love the thrill of the hunt. Anyway, that's about it for the weekend...hopefull next week will bring more energy and more production!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Do you like pina coladas...
That song was buzzing around my head all day yesterday. Some of you may be too young to remember that classic Rupert Holmes tune. It all started with an idea. I have committed to making one new dish a week, just to get out of the rut of making the same ol' thing. I was digging throught the cupboard the other day and found some coconut I had forgot about. I had an almost full jar of pineapple topping from a banana split fest we had a while back. I hadn't made anything new or inspired all week, so I thought, why not make an "Escape Jelly Roll" (Those of you who know the song will get that). I had a half box of yellow cake mix (the other half had been used for a cherry cobbler...an easy dessert. My husband came in and said "mmm, what smells so good?" So I broke into song and explained what I was making. He just shook his head and went back outside. My darling daughter called during the baking of said jelly roll and asked "what you are you doing?" I said "You probably don't remember that song "Do you like pina coladas?"...and she countered with "and getting caught in the rain...and the feel of the ocean..." She finished out the chorus!!! That's my girl!!! (Sorry Bryce!!!) Probably it's my fault for all the times she had to listen to my music. She knows most Martika songs and all of Taylor Dayne..."I'll Always Love You"...Punkin. Anyway, the dessert turned out very well and was a great compliment to the Tamale Pie I concocted for dinner. But enough about food...In sewing I replaced the ripped backing on a nice wool rug I gleaned from the Yellow House a few weeks ago and redid a sad pillow for the trailer I had in the closet. It is now nice and full again and will look nice on the sofa. I embroidered 2 potholders and started one of the white thread series blouses. The EMP6 needs to go in for service soon. I got the Gold standard service with it, so I try to take it in every 6-9 months to keep it in tip top shape. The Gold standard warranty will be up in March, so the next service will be on me after that (Yikes!) It really has been worth it...I didn't pay the normal fee for it. I think the list price is something like $600.00-$700.00. They may have thrown it in or I maybe I paid $100.00, can't remember. But I can tell you it was worth it. I had to have a wiper replaced and that bill alone would have been almost $400.00!!! So it will be a sad day when the machine goes in, but Montavilla Sewing is really quick. Quicker than any other shop I've worked with, and don't even get me going on that topic! No sewing today...have to work and then go see our financial advisor to make the bleeding stop!!! I think I need to just take my money and invest in fabric!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thrift Store Score!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A New Start...

And it was affordable for our budget and we didn't have to incur any debt to purchase it! Love that part! It was well taken care of and has all the amenities that we require. The bathroom is good size for a trailer of it's length and has a big closet that lights up when the doors are opened. (Not a requirement, but nice) This will be home base as we clear the land and work towards our retirement dreams. I probably won't be able to quit working for quite some time, but hey, a nurse can find work anywhere. I'm so excited. Now I am busy planning on embroidering towels and potholders, making a new quilt for the bed (even though the comforter on the bed is perfectly good, it's not Mary made with love good) Must crochet a new afghan for the sofa...I love setting up house!!! As for sewing news, as this is a blog about...sewing...I cut out one blouse and plan to cut out another tonight. Tomorrow is duty day, so if I get my chores done early, I can sew all day and into the night!!! Yay!!! Off to work now to make the almighty buck!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Taking Care of Business...
That's what I was doing yesterday in the studio. I listened to cassette tapes all day (but didn't make it to BTO, although I did listen to the best of the Guess Who...Randy Bachman's in the band...does that count?) I don't know why, I do quirky things like that...just listen to a certain genre or media. Of course the music was all classic from the 50's on up to the mid 80's...whenever CD's took over. Aside from rocking out to the soundtrack of my life, I finished up some UFO's that had been sitting around. I made 2 tops and a purse and still had time to bake bread and cook dinner for my dear Hunny when he returned to the firehouse after his class. It feels good to get some traction on projects started and abandoned for a more exciting prospect. All that is left in the project bin is a purse started last Spring (Or was it the Spring before???) and it can wait a few more months because a light colored purse doesn't stand a chance in this winter wonderland! Next up are some shirts made out of some nice cotton shirting from Fabric.com. I plan to cut 3 or 4 out that can be stitched with white thread. The serger is ready...3...2...1...GO!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Sewing Story
Y'all know Lindsay started a sewing history thread and so while I eat my dinner I will put my sewstory to press. I was always really crafty as a child. I loved to tinker with things...so much that my nickname was "Tinker" (AKA "Stinker" at times!) I entered local craft competitions (I always won) and learned to crochet before I went to school thanks to my loving patient Grandmother. I started sewing doll clothes, designing for Barbie was my big start in fashion. I inherited an old treadle machine and soon I graduated to designing clothes for me. We had a large family and to supplement my wardrobe I would refashion Grandma's old dresses. My Mom was happy to relinquish the sewing and mending duties to me. I made money and scored record albums hemming pants and adding gussets to my brother's jeans. I was tall and as some of you might remember, they didn't make pants for tall girls way back when...I can remember pants not being allowed for girls at school (and there it is...she's ancient!) I took home ec like all good girls in Junior High and excelled in the sewing segment. When my husband and I got married, he bought me my first Kenmore sewing machine...$150.00...that was expensive back then. I made his suit for the wedding...a turquoise poly double knit with a light blue quiana shirt (everybody cringe...I know I am!!!) I went to work for Jantzen, a local sportswear company in the Northwest and stayed there until I became a stay-at-home Mom for a few years. Of course I sewed for my daughter, but I also started making money on the side sewing soft sculptured dolls. It was quite lucrative for awhile there. Then I went back to work at a local hospital and the sewing slowed down for awhile when I went to nursing school. After that the sewing resumed, but not with the fervor of the last few years. I bought my first embroidery machine about 6 years ago and that really got me back into sewing. Now I run the big 6 needle and that frees up my first embroidery machine to sew. Not that I don't have backups for the backup machine. I always have a sewing machine to use (and if I didn't, I'd be shopping for one.) So that's my sewstory...sew far!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Baby Clothes
Monday, January 5, 2009
Merry Christmas to me!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Twice as Nice
I spent a few hours in the studio last night and produced 2 new tops. The first is Simplicity 4878. It is a pattern I traded for at Pattern Rescue. I love Mary, Jackie and Charlie...they brighten my day with their service and fun patterns. It's like thrift shopping for sewing patterns in the comfort of your pjs!
The other top was my second go round at BWOF 12-2008 #113. I liked the first top, but it was a little big. I cut out the size I should be according to the reference, but as my husband said "It could pass for a maternity top" Not the look I was going for, so I retraced the pattern a size smaller and made it out of the poly knit my husband picked out the other day on our trip to JoAnn's. It turned out perfect! This is my new TNT pattern for t-shirts. I think the short sleeve longer nightgown version is a keeper too. Made in a nice cotton knit this should be a great summer nightie. The only variations I made was to lenghten the top and sleeves for my long body and I banded the neckline rather than turned under a facing. I am practicing to get better with my coverstitching and I really like that look on a t-shirt.
I am really feeling the mojo and have several projects in line. I also am trying to do better in the documentation of my journey, which the first step is doing reviews over at Pattern Review. I love that site and often read other's reviews, but had been a little lackadaisical about sharing my projects. I added the widget on my blog, so if you are curious about my reviews, check it out. I also started a journal where I am listing my projects with a sample of the fabrics used, my thoughts if any about the project and things to do different next time. I think this is something I can keep up. I am not into tallying my stash ins and outs...I don't even want that in writing!!!(Oh Hi, Hunny!) Maybe next year I will be so inclined and organized to do that. The good news around here is it has stopped raining for 2 minutes and Scott was able to work magic on the driveway and drainage ditches last night. The poor man worked until 8:00 p.m. I told my husband that whatever he charges is well worth it and he agreed. He is very reasonable though and did not overly charge us. Tom and Uncle Bruce are out digging ditches and sandbagging in prep for tomorrow's gullywasher. God I love Oregon!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
A river runs through it...
Our world, that is. New Years brought an incredible rain storm to the Pacific Northwest and the saturated ground from the recent snow melt could not withstand the rainfall.
Not normally a water feature in our back yard, the tiered fruit tree orchard is now a waterfall.
The patio will now be the new garden.
The driveway is impassable save for 4WD and I am not even going to put any more strain on it by taking the truck out today. I think it is a good day to walk where ever I might need to go. Tom is on duty today. He took the little pick up so I could have the big truck in case of emergency. Guess the Honda will be parked safe and warm in the garage for awhile, which was getting water in it when the river was running under the house, but Tom got that shored up for the time being so that is not flowing under right now. To top it off, we got a couple of inches of snow early this morning. Crazy weather going on!!! I felt so bad for Tom last night trying to deal with all the flooding. I tried to help as much as I could, but I'm really not supposed to be lifting anything and I'm afraid the most I could do was hold the flashlight and be a gopher for the lightweight stuff. And there is more rain in the forecast!!! Yikes!!! Tom just called and said that Scott, our heavy machinery God stopped into the station and he is coming to work on our neighbors driveway and will come up ours to see what he can do! Amen!!! The sad news is that our library has a foot of water in it, so it will be closed for awhile. In sewing news, I did make it to JoAnn's yesterday and got some interesting new fabrics to work with. The pea coat is a go and Tom picked out a gorgeous knit for a sweater that is already cut out and waiting to be stitched. He has the greatest taste in fabric BTW! The fabric is all washed and ready to go...I will take some pics and post later. Hope you are all safe and DRY where you are! Mary
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...