Saturday, March 27, 2010
More sewing going on here. While my hunny is away, Sewfast will play! Last night I watched New Moon (yes again!) and traced out a few Burda Style patterns and cut out a couple of spring blouses. I woke up with a sore throat this morning (Boo!) and don't feel spectacular, but I was able to sew a few seams when I got home from work today. I also embroidered a couple of burpies too. Because I'm not functioning at 100% I'm going to stop for the night, but a couple more sessions I should have everything finished. One thing I did notice while tracing from the current issue of Burda Style is that it seems that they are cramming more patterns per sheet than before. I had to take a sharpie pen and outline the pieces I was tracing because otherwise I could not keep track of my piece. Either that, or my eyesight is taking a turn for the worse! Could be!
Hot off the press
Here is proof that I really do wear what I make. This is the wool skirt I just finished, paired with a T-shirt I modified from the Jalie sweetheart top. The skirt is Simplicity 2605 view E, made with a wool plaid I picked up at the op shop for 50 cents and lined with a mystery fabric off the lining shelf. I am really happy with how it turned out and it is nice and warm on this cold March day. You can see in the corner that Jo wanted to be included in the photo. Here is how he usually looks at work...bored stiff!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Skirt is done...Now what?
I finished the skirt before the latest episode of Project Runway started. If I am home alone and in charge of the television, I watch the previous episode first, because one showing of the local news and the national news is good enough for me...a repeat of last week's PR...well that's just mindless fun! I was totally shocked by who went home this week (I won't mention any names so as to spoil it for Bryce, but Punkin, you really must download and watch soon!) We'll chat later! I did some cross stitching since the hand sewing was done and I was too tired to start something new. This morning I am fresh and ready to begin again...ooh, the possibilities! Tomorrow I return to work and then Monday I am taking off for Lapine to celebrate my birthday! I'm a little nervous about crossing the pass as a new snow storm has came in, but hopefully things will clear up by Monday. I have studded snow tires and I shouldn't be such a wimp, but ever since I crashed on an icy bridge, I get a little twitchy in the winter. Guess it's time to get over it since I plan to spend the rest of my life in a winter wonderland! Off to see what the day brings!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Blissful Day to Myself
I have been blessed with a blissful day to myself. My "Marlboro Man" is riding the range whooping "git along lil' doggy" or something like that (Yep, he REALLY is riding the range gathering up the cows) and I have caught up on all my orders. I spent my morning talking to my best girl and then in her honor I plugged "Notting Hill" in the VCR because I wanted a little UK and she could actually jaunt over to Notting Hill if she wanted to. Besides, sewing to a good romantic comedy makes for a nice afternoon. The skirt is to the hand sewing stage, which I think I will save for Project Runway, so now I am having a spot of lunch and watching Food Network (my latest guilty pleasure) Love the Barefoot Contessa! I registered for my marathon bib is going to say "Nana2Be" to dovetail Sara's that will say "Mama2Be" She is concerned people might think she is just chubby rather than pregnant! After lunch I think I will do a quick training run and then back to the sewing studio to see what other things I can create. What a great day!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Moving Forward
Why does it always seem to take longer to finish a project than anticipated, or is it just me? I finished my for hire jobs late Monday night with no time for "me" sewing. (I did manage to embroider something while I was working on paid work, but more on that later) For all my due diligence I was rewarded with more business! It's simple projects (famous last words), so they shouldn't take up too much time. Today I have several projects in the works...just waiting for some new designs to be resent. I won some new designs at a new place called Embroidery Auctions which is like Ebay for embroidery stuff. It is run by the folks at Designs by Sick and is quite nice. The first auction I won the designs came immediately after I paid...I don't know where the second set went, but it did not come to my address. Hopefully the gal will hear my pleas and send them post haste! I have been itching to buy fabric and yesterday I succumbed to's offer of 30% off clearance . I picked up some fabric to make Sara some maternity workout clothes and couldn't resist this gorgeous Amy Butler double sided quilted fabric that originally sold at for $24.99 ($36.99 elsewhere) It was marked down to $12.49 with another 30% made it $8.74 a yard!!! It will be perfect for a baby quilt or diaper bag set or even a bag for me. Given it is definitely girly fabric, I picked up an equally darling double sided quilt fabric with a jungle theme (in case I am sewing for a boy!) It has lions, tigers and leopards peeking out of this lush jungle and the reverse is a small tasteful leopard print. That ended up being $7.69 a yard after discounts. I heart!!! Off I go to the sewing studio...more later...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tomorrow is a day off and rain is in the forecast. Tom is off to the ranch so I think a sewing day is in order! I have a couple of orders to knock out, but after I take care of business I can take care of my own business! What shall I sew? A new skirt or more baby stuff? Or all of the above? I have some new embroidery designs to stitch out, so hopefully I can get all the machines humming tomorrow. Hooray for sewing days!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tonight we are showing "New Moon"
I ran to Border's on my lunch today and picked up my copy of New Moon. Happy Birthday to me...Love, Me!!! It was marked down 30% and you could buy a New Moon Tee shirt for five bucks with purchase. They also threw in some New Moon buttons and magnets for free...whoo-hoo! I also had a 30% off coupon burning a hole in my purse so I picked up Lee Hollahan's How to Use, Adapt and Design Sewing Patterns for a better than Amazon price. From the little bit of perusing I've done so far, I think this is going to be a great resource book...more on that later. Back to New Moon...I mentioned to the students I had bought it and found out many of them are Twilight fans, so movie night is on tonight! Somebody even bought popcorn!!! Good times!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Eating Good in the Neighborhood
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
What music moves you???
As I train for my first half marathon, I have started thinking about the mix I want in my ipod for the race. I know there are mixed schools of thought on the use of mp3 players while you run and my compromise is one earbud in and one out, so I can talk to Sara or hear the bus if it's coming at me. I'm not too worried about the bus at an organized event, but you never know...doesn't hurt to be cautious! I have very random taste in music...can't think of much I won't listen to, except maybe really graphic stupid rap music. I definitely am taking Lady Gaga along for the ride, and my man Trace...3EB and Journey will be in the mix for sure, but I'm curious dear Readers...what music makes you want to get up and move? If I include your songs in the mix you can be sure I will think of you and smile when your number is up!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Daylight's Savings
I am up way too early for a Sunday! Unfortunately daylight's saving fell on an A shift this year, so Tom had to go to work and Jo decided that if Papa was up, it must be time for him to be up too. Where is he now? Packing his teddy bear around looking for a place to nap! Oh well, I have to go into work a little early today anyway, so it gives me more time to get a few things done. No sewing done yesterday...when I got home from work we just vegged out and watched TV. I did try a new recipe for oven sweet potatoe fries that was a winner! I like to try new recipes, because I feel like I get in a rut making the same things and then I get cooking block and can't think of anything to make! Back on the treadmill this morning. According to the training schedule it should only be a 40 minute easy trek, so that's not bad. Well, guess I better get cracking so I can get everything done before work. Have a great day!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What was I thinking???
7 1/2 miles in on the treadmill yesterday. Wow! Pass the ibuprofen please!!! Ah, it will be alright...I'm a tough girl...that's more than half of the half marathon distance (would that make it a "quarter marathon"?) I couldn't believe how incredibly hungry I was after! Thank God for Trader Joes! Afterwards I hobbled upstairs to the sewing studio and started working on a wool plaid skirt I had cut out a while ago. It is going together pretty smoothly. I need to cut out a lining for it and should be able to whip it up this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The color palette is a nice sage green and turquoise on a creamy base. Turquoise seems to be the color I am gravitating to this season. I also have a sage colored twill pant cut out that I should finish before I go crazy on the cutting table again. I really enjoyed the power sewing I did with all the tops. It helps to cut a bunch at a time and then do things in operations. I only changed to cover stitch once rather than 6 times, which is helpful. Not that converting is difficult, but it does take a little time. I thought about having a stand alone serger and a coverstitch machine, but truly there isn't enough table space! I just bought some adorable embroidery designs from a new site to me: Watts Embroidery I just love the Stella designs and can see using them on a lot of projects. $2.50 a set is an awesome bargain. She has actual stitchouts to see, so the quality should be fine...Stay tuned for Stella! Remember that this weekend is daylight's savings and time to turn the clock forward. I much prefer "falling back" to "springing forward"!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Top-a-palooza Done!
Yesterday was a good day in the studio. I knocked out 4 tops, concluding my top-a-palooza. Three of them were variations of Jalie 2805, basic long sleeve T-shirts with varying necklines...nothing too exciting. The last one was Simplicity 0568/2520. I abhor zippers in knits, so I modified the pattern to omit the zipper and it turned into a nice turtleneck top. I wasn't sure if I would like the pleats at the bust line, but it actually turned out rather nice. I got lots of practice with the coverstitch with these projects. Now what to do next...a pants party??? This afternoon I plan to take a hike in preparation for our half marathon...I'll use that time to think about what to sew next.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yesterday's shopping adventure was a smashing success. We embarked with a loose list of things we were looking for, keeping our eyes wide open for those unexpected treasures. Here are a few of the finds I went home with. First off I found a Prada wallet. I had been thinking lately that I needed to update my wallet, but I almost choked when I found this beauty in a basket for $3.95! Never been used! Schwing!!! 
A little more rooting around netted me the matching handbag at $4.95! Double Schwing!!! I'm sure they are probably knock offs, but seriously, look where I am shopping? Do I strike you as label snobby? (Well, maybe I am getting that way, because I was all kinds of excited about this purchase!) My friend had a new bag on her radar and picked up an awesome Kate Spade bag and a messenger/backpack type bag that will be perfect for schlepping her stuff back and forth to work. It has some kind of logo on it that needs to be covered, but lucky girl knows someone with an embroidery machine that can fix that (once she figures out what she wants on it!) Another friend could not be with us yesterday (Boo!) but we did find something for her too and I embellished it last night because your Tinkerbell bag has to be personalized!
There were other treasures to be sure, but some are gifts and I did not photograph all of my friend's goodies. I did get some shots of us in action, but those are going in the vault (for now bwahahahaha!). We stopped for lunch at Chevy's because we were totally exhausted after a morning of thrifting. It was a good thing because after lunch we did some grocery shopping at Trader Joes, and we probably would have bought out the store had we not eaten first! I got a big ol' tub of dark chocolate covered ginger...Happy Birthday to Me!!! It was fun to spend the day with a friend...I need to make more time to do that...yay for girl time. Days off ahead, so stay tuned for more top-a-palooza and baby sewing!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What I did with an hour of free time...
I found myself with a little time before I had to go to work and there was an NCIS marathon on USA channel...what's a girl to do? The serger was already threaded with black thread, so I pulled out one of my top-a-palooza tops and gave it a go. It is Burda World of Fashion top #129 from the April 2008 issue (technical drawing here). All that is left is the hems, but I must say this top is very well drafted, even though I did have to trim a couple inches off the hips (that is a treat!!!) It sewed up fast and quick and is very flattering. It has the usual Burda low neckline, but the way the collar band detail lies it is not too revealing and is actually very slimming. I definitely will make this again! Tomorrow I plan to do some thrift shopping with a friend...hope we find all kinds of treasures!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Just a Quickie...
My last day off before returning to work for a double...I did something to my left shoulder/back so my left side is killing me! Guess no heavy lifting today. I can sew though. I think I'll knock out replacing the pocket bags on Malinda's "found" Eddie Bauer jacket and then return to top-a-looza. I ran errands yesterday, taking our taxes over to the accountant. We usually like to have a sit down with them, but really things are pretty straightforward and finding a time when we are both available is near to impossible! The business lost money this year, so hopefully our tax bill won't be too outrageous! Anyhoo, I was able to visit JoAnn's to pick up some of the Butterick patterns on sale for 99 cents. Score!!! Picked up a new Maggie London dress. Her designs always make up so well and are flattering for my figure. Truly I did not need any new patterns, but at 99 cents they are my guilty pleasure. I also picked up a cute maternity pattern for Sara and a dog raincoat pattern for Mom's doxies...easier to justify that purchase. I also received notice that I will be getting some of the patterns I requested at Pattern Rescue...just not sure which ones yet. I'm making chili for the boys tonight, so I better go attend to that, but there definitely will be some sewing going on today!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I hate Skunks!!!
Every Spring we are graced with the return of the wildlife...Last week Kodi took out an opossum. This is his third that I am aware of, or I should say that I disposed of. He also tries to befriend the black and white kitties...the ones that smell bad. Oh yeah, Kodi got his annual skunking today. It's an annual event. I keep Hydrogen Peroxide and cheap shampoo on hand just for that reason. Poor guy...he rolled in everything he could to try and mask the the scent. I believe it happened in or around the vicinity of my car that is parked outside since we are finishing the hardwood stairs in the garage...Yuck!!! It's not horrible bad, but let's just say a little tree is not going to cut it! It will eventually go away...I learned that from running over a dead skunk once...I don't recommend it. The funniest skunk story I have is one day my husband was riding his bike home from work...he parks the truck sometimes and rides his bike when the weather allows. A couple of old guys who were fishing across the road tossed a dead skunk off the road right in front of my husband as he rode by. The skunk smelled so bad he almost fell off his bike because he thought he was going to yak. I'm sorry. I think it's funny!!!! :) Anyway, my afternoon project was giving Kodi a bath. He was very happy to have a bath. After I finished that I decided that I would spend a little time in the studio and sew something for me. I have projects requested for others, but sometimes you have to move yourself to the head of the line. I present to you a self drafted dolman sleeve cowl top. It actually looks better than the picture...I tried to get a pic without dragging out the tripod. Well, my hunny is home, so time to sign off...Later
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thrifty Tuesday
I resisted only to spend money in a different way. I visited my favorite local thrift store today and was rewarded for my diligence! 2 new pairs of Levi 515's in talls made it home with me. Truly it is not worth my effort to make jeans when the perfect fitting pairs are practically given to me. I picked up a Harve' Benard wool cashmere jacket in the most delicious shade of orange...immediately wore it to work is so soft and yummy. As if that were not enough, I picked up a new Calvin Klein cardigan in a dark heathered grey with slightly belled sleeves...will go nicely with the new jeans. Lastly I picked up a trench style rain jacket in a khaki (also wore to work). Oh, and some movies for the collection...Miracle on 34th old movies! My Mother would be proud (and probably arm wrestling me for the sweater!!!)
Must Resist...
I was looking at patterns last night and wouldn't you know has them on sale today! Are they monitoring my search habits? Kwik Sew and Amy Butler, oh my! I almost succumbed, but emptied my shopping cart before I pushed purchase. I have so many great patterns and fabric, it's really silly to shop...but what fun it is!!! Think I'll go fondle what I already have and sew something before work. That's fun too!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happiness is a New Toy
Since I have been working alot and there's no sewing going on, might as well post pet pictures! Jo has been right there working with me and has been mind numbingly bored all day (Jo...not me!!!) I had to run to the store, so a new toy was the pick-me-up he needed to put a smile back on his face!
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...