Friday, February 27, 2009
Another one bitten...
Since I just finished "Twilight", my metaphors are leaning towards the dark vampire side. What I mean to say is that my darling daughter has been bitten by the fabric love bug. We spent yesterday running, eating, digging through patterns and fabric, perusing "Color me Confident" and having girl time. The slumber party was crashed by Tom as the mancation got cut short on account of weather. The wind blew them off the river and since they couldn't fish they all went home. That was okay though, we allowed him in...he knows the secret password. Sara found the style of dress she wanted for Bryce's graduation in a catalog I had, but out of all the patterns in my stash (and it is a large one) we could not find exactly what we wanted. I suggested we go online and check the patterns, starting with McCall's, since she is a McCall now. Bingo, boingo, bongo...the dress in her mind appeared! So we checked the JoAnn's site and what do you know...McCall's were on sale today for $1.99 each. It was a sign. Vogue's were on sale too, so I got some vintage Vogues too. Next we looked at fabric and Sara got sew excited...she found the perfect fabric for her dress and several other fabrics to make skirts for summer. The gals at the cutting table were very helpful, giving her little tips on how to tell how much fabric is on a bolt by counting the folds. I think they were enjoying her enthusiasm. Next we went for lunch as Sara gets cranky if her blood sugar gets low! That's our little joke...hi Punkin!!! Anyway...after lunch we hurried home to take advantage of our momentum. We pre-shrank her cotton fabrics and started looking for a quick an easy skirt pattern. Sara chose a bias cut skirt with a yoke and diagonal hem from Burda 9/2005. She traced while the fabric was drying and then cut it out. Upstairs to the studio we went and she whipped out her first skirt in under 2 hours.
I think she is happy with it by the smile on her face. We really took some liberties with the pattern. It was meant to be a woven...she used a knit...the original had a zipper...she didn't...The pattern had a waistband...not Sara's version. It sits on her hips (where she likes them) and fits great! I'm so glad she had a good experience and some instant gratification. Wadders don't do much to build confidence. A good time was had by all and now I am stoked to finish some new outfits for Pattern Review weekend. I picked up the McCall's Palmer/Pletsch "Learn to Fit" pattern to work on fine tuning my fitting skills. I'm excited for the fit class that we are going to have on Friday. Well, as all good things must come to an end, I better get busy and prepare for work tomorrow. This week I will be working a rather funky schedule. A double shift tomorrow, off Sunday and then another double on Monday with three days off after that. Hope I survive!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
An Afternoon of Sewing and Movies
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
From Remnant to Wardrobe
I am such a sucker for a good rem. I can't seem to pass by the remnant bin without something catching my eye. Last week after we went out to breakfast we ended up at JoAnn's. (Big surprise...I was was close) So while Tom was replacing a burnt out tail light on Sara's BMW, I was in the fabric store. All I came out with was a little knit print remnant, a little shy of a yard. Today I am proudly wearing it to work. The top is BWOF 8-2008 #109...a simple little raglan T-shirt. I lengthened it of course. When I tried it on before finishing the neckline I decided that I would prefer the neck be a little lower (you don't say that very often with BWOF!!!), so I tapered it down about an inch in front. I had Valentine wear it for me and then hung a necklace to measure the neckline. Worked like a charm and I am extremely happy with this top. This definitely will be one of my TNT for a simple T. Pattern Review to follow...need to get on my horse and ride to work now...Toodles!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Better Now
I must have woke up on the right side of the bed today because I am feeling better now. Tom "fixed" the engine light situation for now (I love a man who can fix things for me! Hi Hunny!!!) and the DVD/VCR works great since I picked up a coaxial cord to connect it. We have about a million of those video cables from electronics of the past, but our little TV (Thanks Punkin!!!) doesn't support that kind of hookup. Truth be is much neater with one little coaxial cord than the other way. Neat is good in a small confined space. Tom is off for his man vacation and for the life of me I can't get much motivation to do anything but goof off before I head to work...conserving my energy...that must be it!!! Think I'll wander up to the studio and sew a few seams...that should get my motor running. Over halfway through Twilight...couldn't put it down last night! My dirty little secret!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
When it Rains... pours!!! Does it ever seem like life is coming at you fast? Or maybe it's just me and how I react to it. I have this long list of things I must accomplish...many of them time sensitive, i.e. dogs must have rabies boosters because their licenses are due soon; the EMP6 needs to go for service because the warranty is up equally soon, OMG!!! We need to do the taxes, but are still waiting for a 1099...the car license is due soon, which means a trip to the DEQ, but the "check engine" light is on...OH NO!!! I think I need to just take a chill pill and sew for awhile. Clear my head!!! I know the stress is self inflicted...things will get done and there is always another "crisis", so why worry? I am truly blessed...I have basicly good health and a wonderful loving family and friends. I had a busy morning...baked goodies for Tom to take fishing...cleaned the bird cage and moved stuff down to the trailer. Went shopping before work to get some baby stuff for all the baby showers I've been invited to. I have lots of girl stuff in reserve, but boy stuff usually entails a trip to the store if I don't have enough lead time to make something. Fred Meyers is having a 70% off clearance sale, so I got some cute Carter's things for a song. I also picked up a fireman related outfit for my Grandma hope chest. They had a cute little musher jacket too, but in this economy I shouldn't go too hog wild (and a good thing too, because right after shop-a-palooza the "check engine" light went on!!! LOL) I did a quick pass through Goodwill as well and found a DVD/VCR deck that was 50% off so I picked it up for the trailer. I had seen a couple in there a few weeks ago, but was not willing to pay full price on a gamble (I'm such a tightwad!!!), but for under $20.00 I'll take a chance. The last one I bought there for the sewing studio worked out fine. I can always take it back for credit if it doesn't work. I am finally reading "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyers (probably one of the last on the planet!) Not a Pulitzer prize winner, but it really is quite entertaining. I have already requested the next books in the series from the library. Sometimes you have to read something light to take your mind off the "check engine" light! Guess I better go read now! :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Use What You Have
Today I finally got some machine time. I didn't work on any of the things I had cut out, but I started (and finished) a new project that had been percolating in my head when I awoke at 4:00 a.m. the last two mornings. I have been collecting household items for the new trailer and I needed a mattress pad/cover. The previous owners gave us a thick foam pad that they used on top of the mattress. We looked at alot of 5th wheel trailers when we were shopping and the common denominator was the mattresses were never comfortable. I think a good mattress would be a great selling point, but obviously the manufacturers think this is a good place to cut corners. I digress...back to the mattress pad. They can be very expensive. It came to me one morning that I have yards of was the right width to fit the top of the bed, so all I had to do is add side pieces and finish the bottom edge with elastic and voila! Perfect mattress pad that feels really soft. It felt good to sew something...anything!!! I also finished the wallpaper project in the trailer bedroom and scraped off all the little rubber tub decals and it is now clean and ready for the new bath mat. I drove my Hunny to Camper's World to pick up some other pieces he needed for his projects and then we went to GI Joe's to get stuff for his upcoming fishing trip. We found some reading glasses for him at the Dollar Tree. He decided to pick up several pair so he can have some for work, home, the truck, the boat...he really liked the tortoise shell frames. Just like his biological father wore...hmmmm...kinda freaky!!! Home for a pizza dinner and now Survivor...Good days off
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Three picks from the Third Month
I haven't had much to show on the sewing front lately, so I thought I would do a quick review of the upcoming BWOF for March. So as not to bore you with a commentary of what I really like and the styles that fall into the shankapotamus category, I will select my 3 favorites that I see myself actually sewing. Not feeling the love as much as I did for February's issue...lots to love there. Anyway, here goes:
Dress #107 It's the year of the sheath. Thank you Michelle Obama for your classic style! I love the simple lines of this dress and I can see sewing at least one of these in the near future and Sara might also like this dress. Now to find the perfect fabric! Next up: Pencil skirt 104 B
I am really digging the higher waist and shape of this skirt and the yoke detail and pockets. It looks like the pockets should not add a lot of bulk, which is a good thing! And last:
A classic styled trench coat for Spring. BWOF consistently does great trenches. I really want to make one and this may be the one! The March issue also has the nautical track. I'm not so much a sailor, so that does not appeal to me, but it may to someone else. I did cut out another knit top out of a remnant I picked up at JoAnn's yesterday to stitch up and hope to get to the machines this afternoon. It sure looks like JoAnn's is feeling the economy. I saw a lot less merchandise than the last time I was at the OC JoAnn's. Not always my first choice for fabric, but I would hate to see them disappear.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Not Campbell's soup, but Uncle Tom's sausage! I helped Tom stuff casings this morning so he could smoke his latest batch of elk sausage. He put a jar of minced garlic in this batch and we added some grated cheddar cheese to the last links we filled. There always is a little meat left in the stuffing tube so I fried it up in patties and we had it with eggs for breakfast...Mmmmm! He is smoking it now, so I should get to taste the new batch for dessert tonight! We had a fairly quiet VD dinner last night. We watched "No Country for Old Men", which was a total antithesis of a romance movie. What can I say...we're weird?!!! The movie was totally gruesome and ended in the strangest way. It left me saying "Huh??? What's the point...the deeper meaning???" Guess there wasn't one! I have been crocheting on the baby blanket, but no sewing lately. The good news is that my vacation has been approved for the PR weekend...Yahoo!!! This will be fun. I am sew there!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Here is a shout out to all my peeps!!! I hope you have a day filled with joy and laughter, love and fun! I am looking forward to some face time with my sweetie who is not seeing as well pain, just the healing process, which is normal. Also, I am waiting to see if I get the time off work for the PR weekend which is being held in my back yard...well not actually in my back yard, but in my neck of the woods. I'm excited to get to meet some of the people whose blogs I follow and the classes should be great. Pati Palmer is a local treasure and I really should take the classes at Fabric Depot, but I love to hole up in the studio and just sew when I have free time. I'm sure this old dog could still learn some new tricks!
Friday, February 13, 2009
I See (said the blind man)
Just a little sick humor there...Tom was not actually blind, but the PRK surgery went very well indeed and he was seeing better a few hours post-op than before he went in, which is fabulous!!! It's only going to get better. Sara spent the night last night and it was so fun just having her at home. We laughed and joked and made fun of each other...just like old times! Jo loved having Sissy there, especially when she made a bowl of popcorn after we went to bed. Sara has always loved popcorn...even as a toddler. We would wait til she was asleep and then I would take the air popper out on the front porch to make it so the noise wouldn't wake her up. Somehow she still knew. This little voice would come from the crib..."Pocco??? Pocco????" I let Jo out of the bedroom to go bother Sissy. When I returned to bed I heard Tom say "Pocco???" It's those little memories that are so special. I didn't sleep well. I have been contemplating a job change. I have another job secured already that will pay a lot more and will be more challenging. It would be working for a good friend who I really miss, but I do love my students too. Change is difficult...I need to spend some time thinking, praying and talking with Tom before I make the final decision.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cutting and Crochet
Today I worked on cutting out some some tops that I can whip up in a hurry. Both are BWOF, but I don't have the numbers. I will give more details when they are done. I like to batch my tasks for maximum production, so if I'm cutting I try to cut more than one garment if possible. I also try to do things with like colors so I can sew without thread color change, especially for the serger. I baked a loaf of french bread to go with the lasagne that's baking for dinner. Tom asked me to make something for one of our volunteers whose wife is expecting, so I dug out some yarn and will start a baby afghan after dinner. Tom is preparing for eye surgery tomorrow so we have been hanging out in the family room, watching...what else...NCIS!!! They are predicting snow tomorrow and I will be driving him home from the surgery center...he says "Thank God I won't be able to see" ha...Ha...HA!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
WTH is up with
I have been a really good girl in the fabric buying department...using what I have in the stash and not ordering on line, even deleting the sale emails from all my favorites without reading because I know I am weak. Last week I couldn't take it and convinced myself it was my patriotic duty to stimulate the economy so I placed a small order at I needed some grey to go with an argyle double knit in the stash. I am not bold enough to cover my body entirely in argyle...I need a little something solid to break it up. I ordered some beads to make some jewelry and some other yardage. Here's my grey poorboy knit:
So I emailed them and yes, they did apologize and are sending me the grey, thank you very much. I start looking at the other pieces and my silk charmeuse is in 2 pieces! WTH!!! So I complain about that. I knew I was not getting the full 2 yards as I had gotten an email saying they did not have the full 2 yards. What I did not understand (and to be fair, upon review it could be my interpretation of the email) is that the fabric was coming in 2 pieces. I'm sure I can do something with it and perhaps I am just being a cranky *itch. I'm just saying the communication could have been more clear, like "hey dummy, we only have remnants want 'em?" That I get. I sure hope this is not a reflection of the Amazon merger because I was really hoping that would be a good thing! Okay, enough rant about I don't need to swim in negative feelings. On a positive note, Julia asked for some pictures of the dresses on me, so I had Tom take my picture when I got home from work last night. Please excuse the tired glazed over look. With the sweater and without. 
And here is the Tippi Hedron dress. Wow, I really need to take the pictures earlier in the day. Not looking as perky and cute as I usually do...I'm such a comedienne! I will leave you with a picture of Jo...pure cuteness any hour of the day! 
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wearability Factor
I wore the brown dress to work today. Not the sparkly, look at me I'm fabulous dress, but the "other one". Really that is giving the dress a short shrift (is that a word or did I just make that up? I can't tell and I'm not digging out the dictionary!) This dress is uber comfortable (and I know uber is a word...I just don't know how to make the umlauts aka the little dots over the "u") and looks nice with the sweater jacket I am wearing. I wore a nice pair of suede wedge heels, but also took my Fitzwell feels like slipper shoes to wear when the heel appeal wore off. I love cute shoes, but darn it all anyway when your feet start to hurt! No sewing today. I paid bills, did household administrative duties and then helped my Hunny stuff the sausage casings. He is making yummy sausage!!! Can't wait til the smoking is done! Hopefully tomorrow will bring some sewing time before and after work!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Show & Tell
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Shop Victoriously
Or what Mary does when she is bored...LOL!!! I had a little free time today and found myself monkeying around on ebay. Now I know I do not need any more vintage patterns...I have plenty to make most anything I want. I feel confident I have the skills to knock off most any design that grabs my attention. Yet still I go browse. Can anyone relate??? Actually I got some great patterns that have fabric waiting for them. There was a lot of 9 vintage patterns in my size that were amazing going for $1.99 with 2 minutes to go. That was too much for me to handle...I gambled with a $4.00 bid. Congratulations, the computer screen said. You are the high bidder. I fully expected to refresh and find that the hopeful person who had it for $1.99 was going to knock me off with a wee bit higher bid. Surprise! I was the winner of this great lot of vintage patterns.
That was rather fun so I browsed a little more and found this Goddess dress that took my breath away.
What? no one has bid on this beauty? Okay, I'll give you a dollar for it. I had the bid for 99 cents. Almost 2 hours to go on the auction. Someone must be out there...watching and waiting for the right time to strike. Eh...I have some holds at the library...I'll go pick them up and if I win it, I win it. (Said as I secretly sent prayers that it would be mine) Prayers answered! I have the most perfect turquoise knit destined to become my Goddess dress. I had a similar dress in my 20's that I dearly loved. Let's hope it plays as well at 50! Now I must back away from the computer lest I have the urge to return to ebay!

The Sun is Shining...
Look quick before the rain comes back or shudder...snow! They are predicting that we may have a repeat performance of snow tomorrow, but I prefer to wait until then. Live in the moment and enjoy the sun!
Last night we had a nice tapas potluck in honor of Bryce, who is leaving for Air Force boot camp on Tuesday. I noticed he has been working out...looks like his biceps are bigger (way to go Bryce). It was fun to get together with Bryce's parents and brothers et al. Sorry the night had to end around 9:30, but some of us had to go to work. The kids are spending their last weekend for awhile together so I won't call and bug them (like Sara would answer the phone...they have strict rules about that!)
Tom is on duty today so that means I can get some power sewing done. I finished the dress I was working on and am slowly putting together the Tippi Hedron dress. I really like the fabric and want it to be perfect!!! Here we go again! I have a simple skirt cut out that should zip together quickly, so I probably will spend sometime with the cutting table tonight. I also want to get some crochet projects started. I have some nice rose variegated yarn in the stash that should make a nice afghan for the trailer. I just can't sit and watch TV. I find I have to have something to do with my hands. I also have a couple of crochet books from the library with some cute sweaters. Sew much to do...Sew little time!
Last night we had a nice tapas potluck in honor of Bryce, who is leaving for Air Force boot camp on Tuesday. I noticed he has been working out...looks like his biceps are bigger (way to go Bryce). It was fun to get together with Bryce's parents and brothers et al. Sorry the night had to end around 9:30, but some of us had to go to work. The kids are spending their last weekend for awhile together so I won't call and bug them (like Sara would answer the phone...they have strict rules about that!)
Tom is on duty today so that means I can get some power sewing done. I finished the dress I was working on and am slowly putting together the Tippi Hedron dress. I really like the fabric and want it to be perfect!!! Here we go again! I have a simple skirt cut out that should zip together quickly, so I probably will spend sometime with the cutting table tonight. I also want to get some crochet projects started. I have some nice rose variegated yarn in the stash that should make a nice afghan for the trailer. I just can't sit and watch TV. I find I have to have something to do with my hands. I also have a couple of crochet books from the library with some cute sweaters. Sew much to do...Sew little time!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hello Kitty
Monday, February 2, 2009
New blog on the block...
There is a new blog I'm following. Just want to give a shout out to my little (big) girl who started her blog Just the Kitty And I today. Click on over and say "Hi"! No sewing today...just housework before heading to work. I shampooed the living room carpet as my little man Hayden is coming to visit on Wednesday. I don't see him as often as I used to and so I'm really excited to have the honor of watching him while his parents go find out if he is going to have a little brother or sister. I also downloaded some free songs from They have a "deal of the day" where they sell an album for a ridiculously low price. I haven't bought any yet, but I go check it out most days. I got a free Uncle Ted (Nugent) song and a country song by Steve Martin that I rather like. I also downloaded a jazz sampler and some music from a local artist Sharon Jones and the Daptones. She was featured on the local news magazine a few nights ago and she really is good. Love my music! I still have the BWOF dress on Valentine. It should be a pretty quick project to finish once I get to it. I scored some great patterns this week at Pattern Rescue so I will be starting some of those projects as well. Speaking of BWOF, I was disappointed when I checked the mail and February's issue was not there. Last month it came early on the 29th because my hunny went and got the mail after my surgery. I'm sure it will come soon...I just am yearning for a nice relaxing dream session with the new issue. Patience is a virtue.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Sunday
Who needs a football game to have a super Sunday? Today has been very productive for me. I tackled my year end business report for taxes and am happy to report that Sewfast made money this year...Whoo-hoo!!! I really don't advertise and most of my business comes by word of mouth. Tom said there is a new paper going around town that you can advertise your business for some ridiculous price like 10 bucks. I think I'll give it a go and see if it brings in some new clientele. I know I could bring in more if I put more effort into that part of the business, but really I am the creative brain of this operation...maybe I should hire Tom as my business manager. Tom left me the last piece of apple pie this morning and it got me thinking...Wouldn't it be great to surprise a friend with a freshly baked apple pie? So I whipped one up before work and you know what? It made us both feel good! Random acts are fun! Have you pied anyone lately?
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...