Monday, March 7, 2016

She's Alive!!!

Wow! Almost another year has passed without a blog entry! It truly is a symptom of my diminished creativity, secondary to a demanding stressful job. Time to address that problem...the missing mojo, that is...the job needs to stay for a while longer. Enter the Fabric Mart Pinterest Bundle challenge. Some of you may know, I love a good fabric bundle from Fabric Mart. Late last month they sent me an email to join their Made from our Fabrics Pinterest board and announced this contest. Less than a month to sew up a mystery bundle? Nothing like a little pressure, so I ordered a bundle. It shook be here Wednesday! As a warm up, I whipped up a Vogue 1250 with a Maggie London ITY from, where else? Fabric Mart! Picture to follow...gotta get ready for work and the ipad is not blogger friendly this morning. Happy Monday!
Update! Happy Wednesday ya'll! Here is Vogue 1250 in all it's glory. The picture does not do the colors justice...they are much more brilliant in person. I wore the dress to work with a black Tahari jacket and received lots of compliments!

1 comment:

gMarie said...

that's a great dress! so good to see you sewing and in this space again. While the job may be more stressful - i think you are just finding your creativity on a sled! g

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...