Friday, February 18, 2011

Things I love lately...

In no particular order...NetFlix...Lady Grey Tea available in the states...Leap Frog Toys...Sony Network Media Players...$5.00 Kenmore Machines off Craigslist that sew like the wind...Blood Orange Italian Sodas..gorgeous owl jewelry...yeah, life has been pretty darn good to me lately. Tomorrow is a sew day...I may not even get out of my pajamas. (disclaimer: that ain't no big deal in Estacada...pajamas are perfectly acceptable attire downtown...slippers optional)


gMarie said...

Wait! Please tell me - puhleezze - that regardless of how many others are wearing jams and slippers in public that you are not!

Can't wait to see what you crank out of your studio today - I know you'll be super productive as always. g

Maryissewfast said...

LOL!!! No jammies downtown for me...just saying folks do wear some pretty outlandish stuff around here. I did put on the sweats and did some treadmill time though. Another Pendrell blouse almost done!

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...