Saturday, May 30, 2009
Fishing Report
Nothing really to do with sewing, except I did think about sewing while I was fishing. That's probably why my line got tangled in the boat motor when I had a fish on, making the captain of the boat very cross with me! It was all good once we got the line out of the prop and having a fish too helped, I think. Sara was fishing like a mad fiend, which is funny since she despised our fishing trips as a teenager. She even had to land her own fish while we were dealing with my debacle!!! She caught the most fish, won the prize for the smallest fish (that had to be thrown back) and conquered her worm phobia! All in all it was a fun afternoon and I think we are going to do it again tomorrow!!! As for needle pulling thread type news, I did sew 2 knit tops on my day off. I had company most of the afternoon, but Tom was working that day so I didn't have to stop to cook dinner. One was a twist tunic top Butterick 4789 which I had made the dress version before and the other was a bias cut cowl neck sleeveless top (the pattern escapes me) that I cut out of the remnants from my last knit dress project. It turned out fabulous and I plan to adapt the pattern to have sleeves because it fit perfectly! Love it when that happens!!! On tap next is a caftan type bathrobe with a hood made from a vintage pattern I picked up at a local thrift store. More on that to come. The summer months are full of gardening, camping, fishing and fun. I hope I can fit some sewing in there too. What plans do you all have for summer?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Word
Well everyone's doing it...Julia, Ann, guess I need to do it to. Here is my word:
Go there and you can have a word too!
Your Word is "Peace" |
You see life as precious, and you wish everyone was safe, happy, and taken care of. Social justice, human rights, and peace for all nations are all important to you. While you can't stop war, you try to be as calm and compassionate as possible in your everyday life. You promote harmony and cooperation. You're always willing to meet someone a little more than halfway. |
Go there and you can have a word too!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Joy of Blog Friends
I just love my blog friends. Awhile back Trena was looking for someone to do some machine embroidery and I offered to do it since I love fun little embroidery projects. Last night I picked up the mail and there was a beautiful package with 2 pair of hand made earrings from Trena! What a pleasant surprise!!! I also got my June issue of BWOF which I had been (im)patiently waiting for, so it was a great mail day! The earrings are perfect as I recently got my hair cut in a short new style, so I have been really tring to wear cute earrings. It didn't really matter too much when my hair was longer because they weren't so obvious. I will take some pictures later...I am currently in my bathrobe and have not had a shower yet...nobody should see that in cyberworld!!! Sewing is progressing. I put some embroidery on a simple summer dress I had in my closet for a couple of years. It was rather plain and was destined for the charity box if I didn't come up with something to jazz it up. It is yellow (not my usual color), so I embroidered this adorable daisy with a couple petals falling off toward the skirt and it livened the dress right up. Voila...instant wardrobe update! I did a couple of baby blankets too for a friend using a new stitch on my Evolve that I had not used before and then embroidering her name in the corners. I have been making these personalized blankets for a couple of friends now...the first was a dalmation print fleece for a little boy...his name done in red...the other was pink camo fleece for a little girl whose Daddy is a hunter. The cool thing is that they used the blankets for pictures to send in their announcements. The babe was wrapped in the blanket with their name prominently displayed. I like it!!! Last night I had Tom help me with a body map. I have been voraciously reading Pati Palmer's "Fit for Real People" and have made better fit my goal for this year. It really was enlightening to see where my body is not perfect and I got some insight into where some of my fit problems lie. Today is dedicated to sewing and hanging out. A friend is coming by later with her baby so I think movies are in order! Have a great day!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Attitude of Gratitude

Here are the steps to follow for accepting and extending this award to others:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate a few blogger's that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
6. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
Claire who shares her journey of life, weight loss and sewing...she is an inspiration!
Sharon because she strikes me as a very positive person and I love her blog!
Lisa who is very thoughtful in word and deed. I always look forward to reading her posts.
There are many more people that have already been nominated. I also want to thank the people in my life who display an attitude of gratitude. Together we can make this world a better place.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I hurt myself
Not on the quad and not too badly. One of the big rocks on the bank was unstable from the flood we had on New Years and dislodging the blackberry vines made it even more unstable. It broke loose and slammed into my shin. OUCH! The good news is that it didn't break my leg and all I got was a pretty gnarly abrasion. Playing (I mean working) with the quad made it so much easier because it would have taken so many more trips with the wheely bucket than using the little trailer. I even took Jo for a little ride. He seemed to enjoy it, or at least he didn't try to jump off. I then made the first strawberry rhubarb pie of the season...rhubarb out of my garden...strawberries not there yet. I went downtown to purchase some fertilizer for the fruit trees and purchased some bedding plants for the garden. Sara made a guest appearance for dinner down at the station. We had smoked wild turkey that Tom got when he took the boat down to Mom & Charlie. was the best turkey EVER!!! Of course they got a call before dinner was through, so Sara and I cleaned up the kitchen and took our piece of the pie home to watch "Twilight" again. I think they have converted me to team Edward...what with Angie's "New Moon" poster and watching "Twilight" like a kajillion times. I still like Jacob, but not as much since I finished "Breaking Dawn" Kind of creeped me out! I am reading some books that are of a more spiritual nature at the moment, after finishing the latest from Debbie Macomber. I believe reading should be fun as well as informative...else why do it??? Several projects up for sewing, but none started. I think I'm going to bag the "My Design" contest at PR...too much pressure to perform on a deadline reight now...I have other things pressing, like yard work and getting some much needed summer clothes done up. Tom is going on a fishing trip in a couple weeks, so I should have some more time to sew. Of course I signed up for some major overtime shifts too during that period, so we'll see who feels like sewing! Also longing to get over to LaPine and play...Kokanee fishing on Paulina lake sounds like a good time to me! Better get busy on the chores so I can get some play time!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
No Sewing to Report
But a heck of alot of yard work getting done! I finished getting the front of the house beds cleaned out. Tom took out all the old icky shrubs and so now I need to design a new garden. FUN!!! We are going shopping tomorrow. I got all the lower garden beds done and tilled yesterday, so those are ready to plant. I planted the potatoes...Tom had brought home some little yellow taters that were starting to bud, so in the ground they went. I already had some volunteers coming up in the tater patch. We did a little weeding in the strawberry plot last night when we went up to admire the little peaches on our tree (First year it's produced fruit!) Today's project is getting the bank back in shape and obliterating those damn blackberries. I know some people are not fortunate enough to have access to a delicious wild fruit, but these things are so invasive and I get all tingly with allergic reaction every time I do battle with them! Oh well, bring on the Benadryl and a nap! In exciting news I learned how to ride the quad yesterday and use the little trailer to haul yard debris away. That was fun! Tom made me go up into the yard to help conquer my fears. I am going to use it today too...the only rule Tom laid down was "Don't hurt yourself". He is working today, but Jason is coming over to work on his camper, so at least someone will find me if I roll it and get pinned!!! Just kidding! Off to put on my overalls and get to work!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Amy Butler Giveaway
Go check out Stacy's blog. She has a great Amy Butler giveaway going on and we all heart Amy Butler!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Back to Life...Back to Reality
PR Weekend is over and I am officially back to my real life! Probably a good thing...I am exhausted! Yesterday was the fabric shopping extravaganza and I never thought I would EVER say this, but I was SO ready to be done by the end of the day. Fabric Depot was not that great (IMHO) yesterday, but maybe it's because I live here and can go anytime. I did pick up a couple of knits from the Outdoor Sale for $3.50/yd. and a couple of rust colored invisible zippers for a quarter a piece (they didn't have any other colors in the invisible zippers), so I guess that was pretty good. I also stocked up on stabilizer for my embroidery machine since it was on sale (business expense) and treated myself to a nice bamboo knit. I have been wanting to sew with some because it feels so yummy. I got enough to make a nice Tee. Someone told me it shrinks quite a bit, so I pre-shrunk my yardage, but it doesn't look like it shrank much. I'll have to put a tape to it to be sure. Downtown Portland I did not buy any fabric, but did buy a cool meat tenderizer at a vintage shop and had lunch with my daughter. After downtown it was destination Mill End store. The bus driver was not clear on how to get there, so we ended up in Sellwood. With the help of a GPS on someone's I-Phone we got back on track and got to the Mill End. At first I wandered around pretty uninspired. The bargain room did not have anything that jumped out at me...that's where I usually find cool things. They had 25% off on knits, which I love to sew with, so I found this awesome orange floral print with silver accents. I heart this fabric...BIG TIME! Their knits were scattered, so as I perused the bolts I found a buttery soft jersey knit that was the perfect complimentary color for a top! Now if I only had time to sew!!! I also picked up a bundle of bias binding in black (a baker's dozen the label said, so I'm assuming 13 yards) and some white cut ribbing strips that should make Tee's and cuffs for kiddy clothes super simple. The gal at the cutting counter was surprised. She didn't even know they had it! I could not work would not be a profitable job for me! Anyway back to life...Two double shifts back to back...I need to pay for my time off! I'll be back!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Pattern Review Portland Update
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thank you Justin Timberlake

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What I've been up to
Pattern Sizing:36-44. The pattern looked big so I made a 40 because I didn't need a night shirt.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?It had the same basic shape as the pattern picture, but I chose to adapt the pattern to my desires.
Were the instructions easy to follow?This Tshirt only has two pieces so it was fairly straightforward. I changed how the neckline was finished because I didn't care for how they achived the gathered look.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?I like the neckline. It makes a basic T shirt more interesting.
Fabric Used:Cotton knit that I had in my stash.
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:The instructions have you bind the edge of the neckline without gathering the bodice and then gather it up with a brooch. I wanted a smoother look and had no plans to wear a brooch, so I gathered the left bodice edge and adjusted the binding to make it lie flat against my chest.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?Yes, I think I may make it again. It would be very comfortable made in a print in a tunic length styled up with a belt.
Conclusion: T-shirt with a twist. Makes up quick and easy and would be a good project for a beginner.
I took the easy way out copying my pattern review...I am too tired to type out another commentary about my new T-shirt. I have been running since I got up today and posting is my last act before I crawl in bed. It has been a crazy few days. Tom is on duty tonight and I am a little uneasy. Last Saturday when he was on duty I had a scare. I was up late working on my T shirt and around midnight I took Jo out for his last relieving before we went to bed. There was a man standing next to Tom's little truck...about 15 yards from the house! We live out of town. It's not like we live in a suburb and someone could just be walking by. You have to walk up a long gravel driveway and behind us is the woods. I ran in the house and called Tom because I figured the fire department would get here before the sheriff would respond. And besides, I wanted my hero here. So the guys came up and of course the man was long gone. It is such a weird feeling because I stood there for a minute staring because I couldn't believe it! I now have the shotgun by the bed...I would probably shoot my foot off, but Tom reassures me that if I just work the slide on the shotgun, it's the universal "GET the !@#$ out of my house!" sign. Scary...Scary! I finished stretching the boat upholstery over the frames today. It's fun to use air tools. I heart staple guns! I just need one more small end piece cut out to cover and then stick a fork in it, cuz it's done! I ran 5K this morning!!! I really want to get back in shape and lose the winter pounds. Tomorrow the dogs have to go get their shots and licenses renewed...the fun never ends around here! I need to go to bed...I'm rambling now...Good night!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Holy Moly!
Wow, I haven't blogged for almost a week! I must be sick! Not sick...busy doing other things. I just came in from spending some quality time with my lawn mower. We have had a couple days without rain and the mounting yard work was getting overwhelming, so when I got home from work today I put the grubbys on and went for it! I figured I'd better rehydrate before I go back out for more...besides my hands are still vibrating from the mower motor. I would like to get my raspberries cleaned out and fertilized before the afternoon is through...then I can think about retreating to the sewing room. My hunny will be home in the morning, so that is exciting. I managed to finish "Breaking Dawn" while he was gone (700+ pages in under a week...must be a good book!) A friend told me that there are more books coming out in the Twilight series...she saw an interview with Stephenie Meyers on Rachael Ray, so it must be true (roll eyes-insert sarcastic evil laugh here) I hope so...I have enjoyed the series, but did anyone else get bored in the whole Volturi battle thing? I was like, enough already...get it over with! Thank goodness there was a reference list of characters in the back of the book...too many vampires to keep straight! But those are my only complaints! I have some lighter books to read next. Well, the hands have stopped shaking so I guess it's my cue to get on down to the raspberry patch. Have a Happy Mother's day tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Boat Seats Done!
Well at least the sewing part. I am waiting for the paint to dry before we can stretch the upholstery onto the frames. Tom has to work tomorrow and is heading out to an EMS conference Thursday morning, so we probably won't get it all put together until Sunday. That's okay will give the paint time to properly cure. Tom painted the trailer today and fixed the trailer pieces that the boat sits on. All that will be left to do when Charlie gets it is slap the motor on and go fishing!!! Soon...real soon! This has been a fun project and I love to do different things that stretch my skills. I hadn't upholstered anything major in a long time. My next big challenge is the make your own pattern contest at Pattern Review...I entered it. Another push myself task. Tom, ever my cheerleader said "Oh, that should be easy for've done that before." There always is a shroud of doubt that says "it could be a wadder!" I remember the first pattern I drafted. I made a smock top with some hot pink cotton my Mom had in her stash. It had a bib yoke and fluttery butterfly sleeves. Speaking of Mom...a shout out to all the Mothers this week...Happy Mother's day! Sara and I are going to get together sometime this week and do something since this Mother has to work on Sunday. Everyday is Mother's day anyway! :)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Marathon Finished!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Notes from the Road
We are here in Eugene...taking a chillada in the room before meeting friends for dinner. We've weathered massive rain, unorganized event planners who don't have enough of the preordered shirts in the right size or enough pins to pin the number on (Mom to the rescue...we have lots of safety pins now) I am using Sara's Mac to write this so excuse me if this comes out weird, because I'm a PC girl (but I can learn) Okay...nothing more to report...Sara is just laying out her stuff for the race tomorrow. Think I'll read my book.
Friday, May 1, 2009
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Can an old Dog Learn a New Trick?
After years of watching on the sidelines, I ordered an Epson ultra short throw projector to project my sewing patterns. I'm a huge indi...
After years of watching on the sidelines, I ordered an Epson ultra short throw projector to project my sewing patterns. I'm a huge indi...
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...