Wednesday, October 5, 2011


What's the definition of insanity again? Doing the same things over and expecting different results? After two bad experiences in a row with, I swore them off, took myself off their mailing list and washed my hands! Or so I thought. Somehow one of their emails snuck through my force field this morning. It was generic enough, announcing a new yarn endorsed by Martha Stewart or something. I don't remember. I thought innocently..."I could just go look." Before I knew it fabric was flying into my cart and looky there... some cute Hot Patterns on clearance! Of course you have to run your total up to at least $35.00 because paying for shipping is just silly! No trip to is complete without a visit to for a current discount code to further enhance your savings! So I caved, waivered, waffled, whatever you want to call it...I placed that order. Please't let me down this time! I may have to put a block on you!


Eugenia said...

Hi Mary. Oh it's so difficult to resist the lure of an e-mail inviting you to buy fabric! Hopefully won't let you down this time. (btw I did answer your query about fabric stores in London on my blog but was a little tardy about doing so - sorry about that - I hope you got a chance to check back to see that I added a comment with some suggestions - happy shopping!)

Marjie said...

I've never ordered from, but I love, and sometimes use FFC, too. The shipping is what I find to be the real crapshoot. I hope they don't disappoint you this time!

Sewtellme said...

I love and until very recently,they have been my primary online dealer, I mean fabric source. Here's hoping this experience goes better for you.

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...