Saturday, August 20, 2016

Under Pressure

I know some of you are now humming that David Bowie tune right now! I can always tell when I am under pressure because I buy fabric. Anyone else do that too? Let's just say, there are some beautiful fabrics heading my way. Fabricmart is always there for me with a great sale when I need them! The good news is that I have been using fabric like nobodies business. I finished a maxi, a top and an alteration on a sweater last night. I have one more top cut out to sew and then I need to have a cutting session. I plan to sew again today...Tom is out on a wildfire so I have all weekend to sew (and buy more fabric). Pictures to come when my photographer returns. you find Kwik Sew patterns run big? I have made two styles recently cut out at my size and had to take things in significantly. I am not a petite person by any stretch of the imagination, but I am thinking I need to start at the XS size! Vanity sizing? 

Well, I am going to grab a bite and head into the studio...have a great weekend!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


This weekend we are having our first camping trip of the season. Our snowmobile club has a last hurrah and we have a work party to pick up trash and work on the warming shelter. I walked 4 miles up hill today...just a little tired! And I didn't even have my Fitbit on, dang it! Tomorrow I will work out in the greenhouse and maybe stitch a few seams. How's your weekend shaping up?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Up Next...

Spring has finally sprung here in the high desert and I'm moving on to spring things! This is the first year I have had a green house here, which is must if you want to grow a garden here. Our growing season is pretty short, and we are still having freezing temps overnight. One of my girls who owns a garden store in town said they don't start most of their plants until Father's Day because she doesn't want to heat the green house. My green house is only 10' X 12', so it is staying pretty warm already. The back half is already full with some bedding plants and seed trays of things I am starting. Tom built a planter box in the back and made me a long gutter planter. Pretty exciting stuff!

In sew news, I have a knit dress half made, a fleece jacket to cut out and a stack of fabrics to consider for some artful tees. I have cleaned one corner of the studio...Ha! Let's see if I can clean the rest of it before the sewing machine station gets fouled again! Rhonda Buss did a piece outing the disarray of her studio yesterday. I don't know...I think tidiness is a barrier to creativity. At least that's what I tell myself so I don't judge the mess in my room!

Busy day ahead...Quality Improvement meeting early and then a meeting in Bend for the Immunization coalition group I'm in. That means I will have to miss the Trauma Informed care meeting at noon. One of my girls said "you need to take more time off". Maybe I do...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Happy Saturday! Warning! Picture Heavy

Is anyone else excited as me that the weekend is finally here? Oy! What a work week! I think the residual work week stress is what woke me up at 2:00 am, but I did stay in bed and think about my next projects until 4:00 when a certain little dog realized Mama was awake! So I got up, took the dogs out and started the day. Little dogs are now sound asleep after their breakfast.

I have lots of projects on tap. I have a Kwiksew knit dress cut out that should whip right up Maybe I can get it done for tonight's Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation dinner? I also have the pink camo fleece jacket to pu together, and ideas are collecting in my head for some artful tees.

I am patiently waiting for a Fabricmart drop. They had some bundle offers this week, and you all know how I love bundles! It got me thinking about my fabric procurement. Once upon a time, I was a big supporter. Then the fabric and service started to decline, so my main squeeze became Fabricmart. Most of my favorite garments started with Fabricmart. Let me take a look down memory lane:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Time to Vote!

I'm not talking politics here...we've all had enough of that lately, right? The Fabricmart Pinterest Bundle competition voting is up here Go take a look at the creativity and please vote!

The sewing continues here. I partook of the Hancocks liquidation sale and picked up a bunch of patterns at 6 for $7.50 and the fleece was marked down to 75%. I picked up a beautiful pink camo. I also purchased the Tilton sisters Craftsy class the Artful Tee Shirt and am playing around with different designs.

In other activities, we went for a fabulous snowmobile ride on Saturday and cleaned the garage out on Sunday. The weather is warming up and the greenhouse is primed for growing. Bring on Spring!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

5 Easy Pieces and a Slip

I did it! I completed my Fabricmart Bundle challenge before the deadline! This is huge! Even though I probably won't win the competition, I feel like a winner because I reached a goal I wasn't sure I could reach. Work has been so all encompassing and for so long an excuse for not being creative. Excuse no more! Without further is my collection:

Sunday, March 20, 2016


The skirt is finished. I'm on track to complete my challenge with time to spare. Hopefully this week will not derail my efforts. 
I picked up 4 pairs of leggings at the Lularoe party. They actually are long enough and the fabric is incredibly soft! I don't think I could make them for the price, even if I could find the fabric. That won't stop me from making a pattern though! Going to spend the rest of the evening with my sweetie watching college basketball...regularly scheduled sewing will resume early tomorrow morning.

Heading In

After an awesome day of snowmobiling and hanging with good friends yesterday (we actually got 2 rides in...Tom said we did a our 60 miles!), I'm heading into the studio to sew for a few hours before my friend's Lula Roe party. Then we may go riding again, because the snow is quickly disappearing and opportunities are limited for me. Darn work gets in the way of all my fun! I just started reading Elizabeth Gilbert's book "Big Magic-Creative Living Beyond Fear". It's pretty good so far...more later! Happy First Day of Spring!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Final Push!

I think I'm going to make my deadline for the Fabric Mart Pinterest competition! I have everything cut out with the exception of the white tricot knit that will become a slip! I have a cardigan with a matching magic pencil skirt and a Sewaholic Granville button down to stitch up. Tomorrow is all about snow mobiling...probably one of our last opportunities of this season. Sunday I am going to a Lula Roe party...gotta go see if those leggings are all that. Tom has some work he needs to do next week, so I should have time to sew after work.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fabric Mart Bundle

Skirt and top made from my Fabric Mart Bundle...stand by for other makes soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2016


We ended up saying home today as Tom is still not feeling 100%. That means I made good progress on my challenge. My skirt is finished and I did some seam finishing on the Granville shirt. I didn't spend the entire day in the studio...I came out to make sure Tom's needs were met and watched the NASCAR race while I hemmed the skirt and did some mending. The dogs get me up early enough that I should get at minimum 30 minutes to sew each morning before work, so I think I will meet my timeline. It feels good to get some projects done. Pictures to follow when I get the top done!

There has been Cutting!

Three garments have been cut out and are ready for construction! I'm heading into the studio to do a few seams before my Honey gets up. Fresh snow on the ground...need to go sledding! Brrrrrrrap! More sewing news later!

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Fabric is Prepped

And that's where I am at right now! The last couple of days at work have been killers, so I haven't got anything cut out yet. Tom comes home from the beach tonight and we got fresh snow on Paulina, so at least one weekend day will be devoted to snowmobiling. Gotta catch the snow while it flies! Maybe I can get some cutting in tonight!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fabric Mart Bundle

My bundle arrived and I couldn't be happier! I had a clear vision immediately when I saw the fabric, and hopefully my BMV order arrives soon because I have some new patterns in the plan! I made a short video of the unveiling and here it is:
I am so excited to get started on this project and so need the distraction! Stand by for some sewing action!

Ladies...Start your Engines!

My Fabric Mart bundle is scheduled to arrive today, so after work...let the challenge begin! I have picked and prepped a few patterns in anticipation of my bundle, but who knows what I will find in that box of joy? Stand by for a fabric extravaganza!!!

The picture is me on my sled earlier in the season. It is snowing right now, but it is a weak effort! That being said, it will probably dump today!

Monday, March 7, 2016

She's Alive!!!

Wow! Almost another year has passed without a blog entry! It truly is a symptom of my diminished creativity, secondary to a demanding stressful job. Time to address that problem...the missing mojo, that is...the job needs to stay for a while longer. Enter the Fabric Mart Pinterest Bundle challenge. Some of you may know, I love a good fabric bundle from Fabric Mart. Late last month they sent me an email to join their Made from our Fabrics Pinterest board and announced this contest. Less than a month to sew up a mystery bundle? Nothing like a little pressure, so I ordered a bundle. It shook be here Wednesday! As a warm up, I whipped up a Vogue 1250 with a Maggie London ITY from, where else? Fabric Mart! Picture to follow...gotta get ready for work and the ipad is not blogger friendly this morning. Happy Monday!
Update! Happy Wednesday ya'll! Here is Vogue 1250 in all it's glory. The picture does not do the colors justice...they are much more brilliant in person. I wore the dress to work with a black Tahari jacket and received lots of compliments!

Can an old Dog Learn a New Trick?

 After years of watching on the sidelines, I ordered an Epson ultra short throw projector to project my sewing patterns. I'm a huge indi...