Is anyone else excited as me that the weekend is finally here? Oy! What a work week! I think the residual work week stress is what woke me up at 2:00 am, but I did stay in bed and think about my next projects until 4:00 when a certain little dog realized Mama was awake! So I got up, took the dogs out and started the day. Little dogs are now sound asleep after their breakfast.
I have lots of projects on tap. I have a Kwiksew knit dress cut out that should whip right up Maybe I can get it done for tonight's Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation dinner? I also have the pink camo fleece jacket to pu together, and ideas are collecting in my head for some artful tees.
I am patiently waiting for a Fabricmart drop. They had some bundle offers this week, and you all know how I love bundles! It got me thinking about my fabric procurement. Once upon a time, I was a big supporter. Then the fabric and service started to decline, so my main squeeze became Fabricmart. Most of my favorite garments started with Fabricmart. Let me take a look down memory lane:
