Friday, August 11, 2023

Achh! Computers!!!

 I actually sewed something this week and wrote a blog post! But...I took pictures on my phone and started the post there. Finished the post on my tablet, adding a link to the pattern...what could possibly go wrong? Whatever I did, my blog was a hot mess for about 12 hours! I could not get it to format right; the post itself was in a skinny little column and where in the world did my cute little header image that I created go? It was driving me crazy last night, so I had to go jump on the desktop to fix it (the device I created all the backgrounds and widgets 😂) Too many devices you say? I had one more tweak in the theme to get things back the way they were.,.pray for me that I don't muck it up again! Oh by the way...the top I made was the Closet Core Marine Breton top. I'll try to add the pictures from my phone...much love...Mary

p.s. I couldn't add the pictures from my phone. I emailed them to myself and then saved them on my tablet to upload them to this post. Some tech nerd's head is exploding right now! 🤣

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Project Dress a Girl

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