Saturday, January 3, 2009

Twice as Nice

I spent a few hours in the studio last night and produced 2 new tops. The first is Simplicity 4878. It is a pattern I traded for at Pattern Rescue. I love Mary, Jackie and Charlie...they brighten my day with their service and fun patterns. It's like thrift shopping for sewing patterns in the comfort of your pjs! The other top was my second go round at BWOF 12-2008 #113. I liked the first top, but it was a little big. I cut out the size I should be according to the reference, but as my husband said "It could pass for a maternity top" Not the look I was going for, so I retraced the pattern a size smaller and made it out of the poly knit my husband picked out the other day on our trip to JoAnn's. It turned out perfect! This is my new TNT pattern for t-shirts. I think the short sleeve longer nightgown version is a keeper too. Made in a nice cotton knit this should be a great summer nightie. The only variations I made was to lenghten the top and sleeves for my long body and I banded the neckline rather than turned under a facing. I am practicing to get better with my coverstitching and I really like that look on a t-shirt. I am really feeling the mojo and have several projects in line. I also am trying to do better in the documentation of my journey, which the first step is doing reviews over at Pattern Review. I love that site and often read other's reviews, but had been a little lackadaisical about sharing my projects. I added the widget on my blog, so if you are curious about my reviews, check it out. I also started a journal where I am listing my projects with a sample of the fabrics used, my thoughts if any about the project and things to do different next time. I think this is something I can keep up. I am not into tallying my stash ins and outs...I don't even want that in writing!!!(Oh Hi, Hunny!) Maybe next year I will be so inclined and organized to do that. The good news around here is it has stopped raining for 2 minutes and Scott was able to work magic on the driveway and drainage ditches last night. The poor man worked until 8:00 p.m. I told my husband that whatever he charges is well worth it and he agreed. He is very reasonable though and did not overly charge us. Tom and Uncle Bruce are out digging ditches and sandbagging in prep for tomorrow's gullywasher. God I love Oregon!!!


Summerset said...

I love both tops, but that beige one is my favorite! Very, very cute! I'm glad you've been able to be productive and are surviving the precipitation.

Kat said...

That is a cute neckline style on the light-colored tops. Ah...documentation. Over the last 4 or 5 months I've written hardly any reviews. I used to be so good at doing them once the project was finished, but not so much anymore. Life is just getting so busy. Sounds like the Pacific Coast in your area is getting socked with nasty weather. And guess where it eventually ends up??? In the Poconos LOL! Except we've betten battling ice lately. Thankfully, no power outages, but no one went anywhere yesterday.

Angelia said...

Pattern rescue? I'm going to have to check that out!
Both tops are pretty.. but the beige top is extra cute!
Thanks for your comment on my site. I am so excited about my new hobby!

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...