Monday, July 27, 2009


My August BWOF came today. When I arrived home from work I parked myself on the couch to peruse the magazine as I do every month. My husband was looking through some of the other mail that had arrived today. I informed him that BWOF was making some changes and it will now be known as "Burda Style". He got a wry smile and innocently asked "So now are you going to start referring to it as "BS"? Gotta think about that one!!! :)


Julia said...


Anne L said...

I have seen many blog posts about the funny BS acronym - English not being my native language, I just don't understand why it is so funny. Please enlighten me. :-)

Kat said...

Don't post things like that when I'm drinking wine on a Saturday night LOL. The wine almost ended up on my keyboard...

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