Saturday, April 13, 2013

Silhouette Love

Do you all know Peggy? Oh my gosh! I just discovered her webcasts and what a wealth of information and entertainment! Go here and check them out! I may not watch normal television for weeks. Except for Duck Dynasty of course...a girl has to have her vices!
Also I made an exciting discovery at our local Barnes & Noble yesterday. While they no longer carry Burda Style anymore, they now have My Image magazine! I had been contemplating subscribing as I bought a couple earlier editions and love their styles, but was afraid like my Ottobre Woman subscription I might only like 1 or 2 of the patterns. This way I can just purchase the issues I really want and leave the rest. Have you tried My Image?
It's a short work day for me, so there may be some sewing involved. Hope so! Hope your weekend is pleasant and fun...catch you later!


gMarie said...

I have never watched one of Peggy's webcasts. Worth the time, eh? I do have a couple of her patterns. I need to check out the sale because I've heard her yoga pants ARE all that!

I do hope you find some sewing time. I'm trying to find balance between work and home. The only plus is I'm not coming home completely drained - although I did fall asleep on the couch last night after making JB take me out for dinner ;) g

Judith said...

Off to have a peek at Peggy's webcasts, though it sounds as if I will be well entertained by her for the rest of the day! Best make a cuppa first ... J

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...