Saturday, March 1, 2008

Rainy Day...good day to sew!

The rain Gods have prevailed upon us again and sew I think it would be a good afternoon to sew! I am totally in love with my new Evolve...I am awestruck by the things that machine can do and have many projects to finish. The gray fleece jacket needs some type of closure and it will be off the mannequin. I probably will finish that today so I can wear it tomorrow. I have 2 shirts to embroider for pay, which should be easy (Don't want to jinx the sewing mojo by being too cocky about it) The evolve (I think I shall name her "Eve") is threaded for a couple of tops I have cut out and then there is the green coat. I doth procrastinate, but Tom will be going fishing and to the ranch soon, so I will have lots of time in the studio to finish these things. While I was getting dressed for work this morning I realized that I really need some mix and match pieces to pull my wardrobe together. It's like I do all my shopping at the Goodwill...wait a minute...I do DO most of my shopping at the Goodwill...seriously though, I need to embrace the SWAP theory and create a plan to my wardrobe. I am really into browns with warm coppery accents and some turquoise thrown in for compliment. I also must have some basic black and red (and of course...the Green Coat!!!) I have some things in mind...but more on that later. I anxiously await the first BWOF of my subscription. I hope it starts with March...oh please, oh please, oh please...I may buy it next Friday when we go to the mall if they have in at B&N...It will come for sure then! There are a lot of cute designs in that issue!

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Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...