Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'z a MeerCat...Really

Chief is having a great morning...stalking the birds...stalking the dog...stalking the birds...I swear she has kitty ADD! It's fun to have a kitten in the house. I guess we will have to adopt one once the grandkitties go to England. Yesterday Figgy and the Chief were playing rock-paper-scissors kitty style. I think Figgy is enjoying having some fresh kitty to play with. Lola is still upstairs but did come out for the catnip cigar! Baby steps! In sewing news, I have been cutting out projects but anxiously awaiting the return of the Evolve...maybe tomorrow. I have a Maxi ready to sew for the Jamboree from July's BWOF...I can start on it without the serger (if I step away from the computer!) Maybe I'll go do that now...


Unknown said...

i totally understand the "I should be sewing instead of wasting time on the computer" thing! See, I'm doing it right now!!!

Reethi said...

My cat does that too - it is hilarious.

gwensews said...

Sometimes, your sewing brain just needs a little rest. I should get off of here and back into my sewing room also.

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...