I know many of you follow Dawn's blog, which is full of great sewing and rich details of her Alaskan life. I love Dawn's blog because she is not afraid to tell it like it is and be herself. That's how I try to live my life too. I am not ashamed that my husband hunts and provides much of the meat for our meals. I have hunted in the past too, but with just two of us, we don't need that much meat anymore and Tom loves to hunt. It's a family tradition and a social outlet for him, besides fulfilling a basic need for protein. So when I made a comment about going to shoot my new shotgun and the possibility of coming upon a "dumb deer", I meant that it was highly unlikely we would see a deer at that time of day, but if we did happen upon one while up in the woods, Tom would have his rifle along to fill his tag. That comment generated some negative feedback and I truly did not mean to create a firestorm for Dawn. I have refrained from adding comment there because Dawn did a wonderful job stopping the negativity without any input from me. That reminds me of Sher's stalker, ridiculing her blog, which I truly enjoy reading. As my Mom used to always say..."ah, live and let live". We can disagree with people, but if we are voluntarily visiting their world, shouldn't we be respectful of their values? If not, we don't have to follow them anymore. The delete key is always an option. Let's celebrate our differencees and not put each other down! Okay, off my soapbox...original sewing programs will resume! Picture Source: icanhascheezburger.com
I don't think you should worry about it Mary. There are internet trolls everywhere, waiting to pounce. If it hadn't been your comment that was the catalyst, it would have been something else. It is amazing to me how horrible people can be on the internet, most often under the cloak of "Anonymous." But also how awesome. One of the people that I correspond with most often is of a completely different political persuasion than me. But that is the beauty of the sewing community, we have been brought together by our SEWING, not our politics, or our religion, or even our musical tastes. So those things are really secondary.
Well said. Why must people be critical and stir up a hornet's nest on blogs or message boards? Such a waste of time and energy.
I am a vegetarian, and therefore, don't read posts here or on other social networks about meat because I'm not interested in it. I don't criticize anyone who eats it, hunts it, or butchers it. To each his own.
There will always be some negative people out there. But over all there are more fun, loving and respectful people in blogland that I've come to meet. Those relationships far out weigh the bad ones.
PS I just want to say Thank YOU! (hugs)
Ditto,ditto, ditto!
Oh Mary, I wouldn't give this a second thought. I'm sure Dawn knew what you meant when you posted it. I, for one, make "dumb deer" comments all the time. And with good reason. I've been driving almost 25 years with at least 250 near deer hits. Or make that near misses? Or the dumb turkeys, one of which flew into my car and made a basketball size dent in my back passenger door of my Subaru. Or the three deer over the years that severely damaged three of my husband's cars. And don't get me started on dumb squirrels LOL. There are reasons why people make references to "dumb" whatever. You should hear my foul mouth when no one is home and a squirrel gets in our attic. I'm tempted to buy a rifle, learn how to use it, and take out the squirrel before it enters our house. They do SO much damage!
Hunting is our history. There is nothing wrong with it. I live in hunting territory although no one in my family is a hunter. And I strongly support it.
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