Monday, August 30, 2010

UK or Bust...

Tomorrow is the day we start out on our great adventure! I'm not excited or anything like, not me...cough, cough!!! I am feeling all kinds of overwhelmed at the moment. So many firsts...we are embarking on a long journey to a place we've never been before to see our daughter and son-in-law, who are embarking on a long journey to a place they've never been before...parenthood! I am so proud and happy for my daughter, and scared for her health and well being and the health of our new grandson.  Being a nurse I know that even the best of circumstances can change and while the odds are in our favor, I will feel much better once the blessed event has occured and I know everyone is fine.  My first L&D clinical in nursing school was assisting on a C-section as nursery support and we had to rescusitate the baby because he wasn't breathing when he came out...that was pretty intense for me...I kind of fell out of L&D love after that experience.  Not that things can't go awry with big people...they do...I have dealt with many emergencies in my career, but babies, that's tough! Enough worrying about the what ifs Grandma...lets focus on the positive! We are going to England! I never dreamed I would travel to Europe and look how Sara has pulled me out of my box. Cue Circle of Life music here...we tentatively have plans to visit the Norwich castle on Friday...we'll see what Colt has in mind.  I better get back to business post should be from across the pond...cheerio Mates!


Amy Bailes said...

Have fun! You are so lucky. Give baby lots of kisses from America!

Summerset said...

Have a great time! You'll make a wonderful Grandma!

Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...