Sunday, October 19, 2008

She finally fell...

Yep, that's 8:30 this morning I succumbed to I got an email saying they just reloaded their $1.95 clearance, plus add to that a coupon code for 15% off all clearance and free shipping for orders over $35.00, no coupon required. I couldn't take it anymore!!! It was a rough class, I worked some mad OT and I found some fabric in that category that I really liked that will work well in my wardrobe. 22 yards for $36.44??? Averages to $1.65 a yard. Most of the time I have been really happy with the bargains I have bought in the $1.95 clearance section...the few that I have not been as thrilled with make really good cheap muslins, so there you are. I also love getting that big box 'o fabric in the mail. It makes me happy!!! I have a couple pillow forms that will work for my paying job, so I will avoid JoAnn's and save some money there. Guess now I need to get busy and start sewing. Tom is on duty today so I'm on my own til tomorrow morning. Let's see what one motivated girl can accomplish!

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Project Dress a Girl

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...