Monday, April 27, 2009
I Heart Fabric.com
I know I've talked smack about them in the past, but I'm all over that now. First off they saved my behind by still having some of the red vinyl I need to finish the boat upholstery project. I had hoped to have enough from a prior project, and it was close, but not close enough. So I let my fingers do the walking and voila...what I need is on it's way! I did get the seat portions cut out. To brighten my day even further, the Fabric.com order I placed last week arrived today and I am even more pleased with my selections than expected. Both pieces of shantung are gorgeous and are destined to become sheath dresses that will coordinate with the white pique jacket I intend to make. Don't you love it when your stash plays nicely with others? The sapphire blue jersey is heavier than I thought it would be and rather than a top, I am previewing dresses instead...there was a blue dress on last May's BWOF I believe (too lazy to go check right now) in that exact shade that would be perfect. The white poplin shirting is nice and the gauzy cotton with lime and silver stripes is yummy! I gotta get this upholstery project DONE!!! In other news...JoJo committed a major party foul this morning. When I went to feed the squirrels this morning I found that something had killed a wild bunny and left it in our yard. I'm sure it was not Kodi, because he is more of a Satchel type dog and wouldn't hurt a flea (except if we were threatened...I think he would step up and defend me if necessary). He looks formidable and he probably scared off whatever did this dastardly deed, but he's been ruled out as a suspect. Jo doesn't have unsupervised time outside and he's not much bigger than the rabbit, so that let's him out. The cat??? Well, he's old and blind in one eye and really doesn't move fast enough to catch a rabbit. He did catch a chipmunk much to our surprise, but we decided that the chippy must have been retarded to be caught by Figaro. Anyway, I digress. I grab a garbage bag to remove said bunny carcas from the yard. Jo is not paying any attention to it...in fact he is over by the hot tub eating grass...or so I thought. I call him to go in the house and he's not coming. I walk over in that direction, which usually means "uh-oh, guess she means business" and gets the requested response. Nothing! I pick him up and realize he is not eating grass, but the entrails that whatever killed the bunny had drug to another part of the yard...EEEEWWWWWW! So I'm trying to get it away from him and it smells bad...I am dry heaving all over the place and he's not giving it up! Smelly bunny body fluids are all over him! He won himself a one-way ticket to the bathtub...Do Not Pass Go-Do Not Collect $100!!! Plus a major session with his toothbrush! I have been nibbling on ginger all morning trying to get my stomach to settle. I have dealt with many a gross thing as a nurse and I have never been sick around a patient, but this was over the top! Dogs!!! I did get a special invite this morning to accompany my daughter to the Eugene marathon this weekend. Her husband normally is there for her at the finish line, but since he is away at tech school and her best friend can't make it, Bryce said "Why don't you ask your Mom to go?" Major Mom points for the boy!!! I guess I should start saying "the Man". Anyway, it's been a long time since we had a girl road trip...we decided the last time was our trip to Eugene to see Third Eye Blind.
That was back Mother's Day 2000 and we sure had a good time. Celeste went with us and the girls scammed backstage passes to meet the band. I have some great pictures and memories of that trip. Looking forward to making more memories. It still seems surreal that my baby is going to be living in England and we can't just call the kids up when we're over on their side of town to go grab a burger or something. I need to get onboard with Skype this summer. Well, best go see what that little rascal is up to and get ready for work. It's my Friday!!! Yee Haw!!!

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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...
I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
Oh my goodness. Aren't dogs just the grossest things ever?? I haven't had a run in as bad as that, but my sheltie has definitely picked up some *icky* things. We used to live a block from the Space Needle in Seattle... and they sold corn dogs over there... and tourists would drop the sticks all over the sidewalk. I spent years fighting him over corn dog sticks on the sidewalk, it's the only thing that "drop it" doesn't work on with him. Soooo disgusting.
I hope you recover from the scare!!
I love fabric.com too.
We had a cat once that caught and killed rabbits all the time that were bigger than she was! How, I don't know. But, she was young and spry. Yucky. The worst was when she left the bunny ears on the sidewalk leading into our house. That was when my girls were young. They were upset. I offered rabbit stew for dinner. They didn't think it was funny. I guess it wasn't.
Congrats on the great fabric and for finding the red vinyl.
Thank you Julia for the rabbit stew comment! I was beginning to think perhaps I had been too graphic with the details. We must have a kindred sense of humor!
After I let my grand-dog Duncan give me many smoochy kisses, and I mean messy smoochy kisses, I found out he'd been eating out of the cat's LITTER box!!!! And I thought that was bad. You poor thing!!
And BTW, we skype with Hans' brother in Toronto quite a bit, I think you'll like it.
Thanks Laura for the skype endorsement. My DH asked "does this mean I have to put pants on to talk to them?" He is so funny (and no, he doesn't run around here with no pants on!!!)
Aah,the Honda! Good times. And your bunny story just reinforces my belief that Jo is nasty. :)
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