We have a junk store in town. Yep, it's a junk store, but I mean that in a good way. If you ever need anything, it's always a good idea to check Mike's first, because he's probably got one...or a dozen. Legend has it that he has been running a junk store since he graduated high school and he is older than me (and that's OLD!) I went in there to see if he had a good corkscrew. Mine had given up the ghost and I would much rather have a vintage, well seasoned one than some hunk of junk that would last about as long as the one I just buried! Mike had a wide selection and I picked out the best. He also had an almost new apple parer, core slicer doo-dad for $6.00. I needed a new one of those with apple season upon us. I'm also on the lookout for a new dehydrator too, but Mike didn't have any of those today. I hadn't been there in a while, so I thought I would look around. Shopping at Mike's is like going to a museum...there are weird and wonderful things to be found if you take the time to look. But don't move anything. Mike knows where every little item is and there is hell to pay if he catches you picking something up and leaving it somewhere else! I've never done it, but I've witnessed the wrath of Mike, and it's not pretty! As I wandered down the aisles, I spotted a sewing attachment box. WHAT??? It had "$2.00 All" price tag.

There was an old Singer box inside. I opened it up and was excited to see a ruffler attachment right on top!!! There were some other feet I couldn't readily identify, but for $2.00 I thought I would take a chance.

(Even though I had already bought the correct ruffler and buttonholer for my machine off ebay). When I got home I fixed a nice Caesar salad and iced tea for lunch and sat down to dig through my goodies...there was a binder attachment as well...the other attachment I have been coveting...All for $2.00!!! There also were 2 Singer automatic buttonolers with the case and instruction booklet for $4.00 a piece, but the one that's coming for my machine has 19 templates, so I left those for the next person. I was a happy girl, no doubt! Chatting with Mike as I was paying, he told me he had a nice Singer Featherweight not too long ago with all the attachments...$295.00!!! Sigh!!! Probably a good thing I had not been in for awhile because that definitely would have been added to my collection! I need to do some research on the other attachments, but I'm sure thanks to the world wide web someone will know what they are and how to use them! Soon as the floor dries I will dig out the old girls and see if I can get these attachments to work!
Accessory Update...they fit Ricci perfectly!!! I didn't even try on the Touchtronic because she is a slant machine and has her own ruffler on the way. I cannot believe how easy and beautiful the ruffler works! I did single layer, double layer ruffles, pleats and even ruffled and attached in one operation! How did I sew before???
What a treasure!! As they say, "One man's junk is another man's treasure."
Oh, I love junk stores like that! I wish we had one around here. We used to go to places like that and all the pawn shops and flea markets on the weekends when I was kid, just looking for treasures.
Great score! It is a good thing I haven't located any "junk stores" around here...I would be there in search of treasures every day!
Great find! There's this old pickup truck in our town and the name on the side is Junkologist. He collects junk as his job and that's what I thought of when I read you post.
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