Love this picture! Okay, now back to what's happening in the sewing room. I have a paying job to eek out this morning before work and then I can get busy with Christmas projects and me sewing. There is a blouse on Valentine that should only take about an hour or two to finish up, a pair of pants that has been languishing for, um, years (better recheck the fit on that one!) and a simple vest...then the UFO train will pull out of the station, hopefully not to return soon! My morning has started out with a little FB, email checking and blog crawling, plus just a wee bit of fabric shopping...Ashley over at Trendy Fabrics is having a one day free shipping event and I LOVE free shipping! I didn't go to hog wild...just 3 pieces that will fit nicely into my sewing plans. So guess I better head on upstairs and get this party started before it's time to go to work. New students today...always a good time! Hope you all are having a great Sunday!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Gone, Baby Gone...
"Beautiful girl, love the dress..." Anyone know the name of the group that's song opens with those lyrics? I gave you a hint (and no fair Sara, you know my eclectic, okay, kooky music taste!) That totally random song popped into my head as my beloved left on his elk-a-palooza adventure this morning and has left me to my own devices for a week. I have to work part of it, but the rest is all about ME! I really miss Tom when he's gone on his trips, but I do try to make the most of my alone time to get lots of things done, and one thing that I need to get cracking on is Christmas! I need to make Colt's advent stocking and finish up the gifts for the kid's advent stocking. I'm pretty certain I've got Colt covered for gifts (for the next 3, just kidding!!!) Being a grandma is wonderful!!! Oh, and since I haven't posted a picture of the little man in a week or two:
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Project Dress a Girl
For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...

For the past couple of years, I have made dresses for Project Dress a Girl Around the World, in part thanks to the campaign launched by Mari...
Yesterday was a real rollercoaster ride. My oldest brother went off dialysis last week and we knew his passing was imminent. I received a c...
I have been making baby stuff for the last couple months. My daughter is almost through her first trimester so I have been given the officia...
What a lovely Sunday morning you are having. I'm avoiding any and all fabric shoping sites. I have to disassemble the studio this Spring to put the new flooring in and I know JB will go nuts when he sees what's in there!
Enjoy your alone time. May it be productive and rejuvinating and not include ice cream for dinner too many nights. g
Happened upon your blog from the Slapdash Sewist...and you mentioned one of my all time favorite bands! Violent Femmes :)
Too funny Gaylen! I find it best just to hide the evidence, so if you need help hiding the fabric (or dead bodies!) give a holler...that's what friends are for!!! Hope you had a great birthday...package on the way! Welcome Bonnie...glad you visited and that you love the Violent Femmes too! A few years ago we went to see them in daughter loves them, but wasn't prepared for their vintage...when the lights came up she leaned in and asked "who are these old dudes?" LOL!!! They rocked it though for a bunch of old dudes! :)
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